normal.Font.Name = '仿宋' normal.Font.Size = 16 Styles的返回参数,标题1、标题2、标题3分别为-2、-3、-4,页眉为-32,标题为-63,其他见Styles文档 三、解决问题思路 因为有很多功能,在文档中难以直接找到,需要使用如下方法。 1、把想实现的功能,使用word的录制宏,在宏编辑器里查看VBA代码,从而了解大概使...
Note that existing documents won't be affected after you have changed the defaults; instead, these must be dealt with one by one. For example, you can modify the language of the Normal style in each document. Often, though, you have to select all the text and manually (re-)apply the ...
set(qn('w:eastAsia'), u'微软雅黑') # doc.styles['Normal'].font.size = Pt(12) # 添加文字并设置居中 # doc.add_heading("琅琊榜", level=0) p = doc.add_paragraph() # 生成段 run = p.add_run("琅琊榜") # 通过run添加文字 run.font.size = Pt(26) # 文字大小 run.bold = True ...
FontSize 类 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing 程序集: DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll 包: DocumentFormat.OpenXml v3.0.1 定义FontSize 类。 此类在 Office 2007 及更高版本中可用。 当对象序列化为 xml 时,其限定名称为 w:sz。 C# 复制 public class FontSize : ...
StyleNormal button StylesDialogClassic button StylesModifyStyle button StylesPaneNewStyle button StylesRedefineStyle button StylesRenameStyle button StylisticSetsMenuWord 画廊 SubdocumentOpen button Subscript toggleButton SummaryInformation button Superscript toggleButton SymbolFont button SymbolInsert button SystemInformat...
pPr.getInd():pPr.addNewInd();paragraph.setAlignment(ParagraphAlignment.LEFT);// 设置段落的对齐方式XWPFRun r=paragraph.createRun();//创建段落文本r.setText(coureseArr[y]);r.setFontSize(12);//---字体大小//设置原来替换为空runs.get(runsList.get(j)).setText("",0);//r.addBreak(); 1}}...
20、Ctrl + Shift +NNormal Style正常的样式Alt + Shift +Clear (Num5)Normal Style在Web上的办公室帮助Office On TheWeb联机会议联机协作Online Meeting打开或关闭了段Ctrl +0Op en Or Close Up Para命令名修改工具键菜单命令名其他窗格F6Other Pane其他窗格Shift +F61Other Pane折叠大纲Alt + Shift +-Outline...
run = p2.add_run('一起来了解下如何通过Python来操作吧!')# 设置字体大小run.font.size = Pt(12)# 表格table = document.add_table(rows=3, cols=2, style='Table Grid')# 表头hc = table.rows[0].cells hc[0].text ='姓名'hc[1].text ='年龄'# 表体bc1 = table.rows[1].cells ...
Go to Home, and then select the Font dialog box launcher at the bottom right corner of the Font group, or press CTRL+D. Select the font and size you want to use. Select Set As Default. Select one of the following: This document only? All documents based on the Normal templat...
Font Overview Constructors Properties Methods FontCharSet FontFamily FontFamilyValues FontPitchValues FontRelationshipType Fonts FontSignature FontSize FontSizeComplexScript FontTypeHintValues Footer FooterReference Footnote FootnoteDocumentWideProperties FootnoteEndnoteReferenceType FootnoteEndnoteSeparatorReferenceType Fo...