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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggh aaarrgh aahz aalto aamp aardvark aargh aaron aback abandon abarat abase abash abated abaton abba abbamondi abbey abbeyonehundred abbot abbott abbreviated abby abcs abdicated abduct abdul abebooks abel aberdeen aberystwyth abesbooks abet abhor abide abides...
Kindle the fire;Cook the meat well,Mix in the spices,And let the [r]cuts be burned up. 11 “Then set the pot empty on the coals,That it may become hot and its bronze may burn,That its filthiness may be melted in it,That its scum may be consumed.12 She has [s]grown weary ...
Kooser wanted to connect with a public too long separated from the written word. To reverse the drift of poetry away from the literay elite and return it to The People. Swimming against the tide, he’s managed to do just that with the stoic reserve and grim resolve of a true Midwestern...
mil min mit mix mri nia nib nih nij nil nim nit nix niy obi oig oil oin ois oni pei pia pid pie pij pin qui rbi rib rid rie rig rim rio rit riu shi sib sic sif sik sin sir sis sit siv six ski sli sni tai tia tic tie tii tin tit tiu tiy toi tri tui uil uzi vie vii...