When you perform a mail merge in Microsoft Word by using OLEDB with a Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel data source, the merge results for the Date, Phone Number, and Currency fields are incorrect. For example: The Date field is ...
4. 最后merge(doc, data);
MailMergeField MailMergeFieldName MailMergeFieldNames MailMergeFields MailMessage MappedDataField MappedDataFields OCXEvents OCXEvents_Event OCXEvents_GotFocusEventHandler OCXEvents_LostFocusEventHandler OCXEvents_SinkHelper OLEControl OLEControlClass OLEFormat OMath OMathAcc OMathArgs OMathAutoCorrect OMathAut...
When you perform a mail merge in Microsoft Word by using OLEDB with a Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel data source, the merge results for the Date, Phone Number, and Currency fields are incorrect. For example: The Date field is ...
Adds a MERGEREC field to a mail merge main document. Returns aMailMergeFieldobject. C# publicMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Word.MailMergeFieldAddMergeRec(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Range Range); Parameters Range Range RequiredRangeobject. The location for the MERGEREC field. ...
一个代表“MailMergeDataField”对象的变量。备注使用ActiveRecord 属性可设置邮件合并数据源中的活动记录。示例以下示例显示附加到 Main.doc 的数据源中活动记录的内容。VB 复制 For Each dataF In _ Documents("Main.doc").MailMerge.DataSource.DataFields If dataF.Value <> "" Then dRecord = dRecord &...
MailMergeDataField Properties Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word MailMergeDataField Properties C# 閱讀英文加 列印 TwitterLinkedInFacebook電子郵件 Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll ...
We use the Format method to format the second column as type Currency.The end result is an invoice in Word populated by filtered records from an Access database:Figure 4. Invoice created from a templateAbout Template FoldersThe templates that appear in the New Document task pane are those in...
As_Of_Date Trx Currency Code C Inv Open Balance. Note that you may have to scroll in the Field dialog box to locate these fields. b. Close the Field Dialog box. 8 . Include the table of invoices by using the Table Wizard. The Table Wizard allows you to add tables, forms, charts...
0 至 9ColComboList向下拉框写入管道字符O.A(Col)=|ListStr1|ListStr2|ColData设置用户定义的长整形数据O.A(Col)=UserLongColDataType列数据类型O.A(Col)=0 至 14 到 20(&H14), 30(&H1E), 31(&H1F)说明:flexDTEmpty0flexDTNull1flexDTShort2flexDTLong3flexDTSingle4flexDTDouble5flexDTCurrency6...