Define Word of God. Word of God synonyms, Word of God pronunciation, Word of God translation, English dictionary definition of Word of God. Noun 1. Word of God - a manifestation of the mind and will of God manifestation - a clear appearance; "a manifesta
But Google doesn’t do something for nothing and there is a slang meaning tochromethat might apply too. To most peoplechromedenotes a shiny mirror-like finish on metal. One metal object in particular gave the wordchromea slang meaning; that object is a handgun. I can’t find a date for...
or to a meaning the importance of which may not be easy to perceive immediately:The real significance of his words was not grasped at the time.Purportis mainly limited to the meaning of a formal document, speech, important conversation, etc., and refers to the gist of something fairly compl...
Directions: The original meaning of the word “power” is “ability”, and then it has gained more meanings in the process of radiation. Several meanings (a–j) of it are listed below. Read the following sentences (1–6) and put the letters (a–j) into the brackets after each ...
First: if the word had been borrowed from some foreign language (most likely, Old French), its Middle English meaning would have been more transparent. Second: the adjective seems to have originated in slang as a term of disapproval, mockery, or abuse, and as we know from the history of...
Before modern English existed, an early version of the word bitch was actually just another word for genitalia—anyone’s genitalia—and that only after a long and colorful evolution did it come to describe a female beast, naturally leading to its current meaning: a bossy, evil, no-fun lady...
Define word of advice. word of advice synonyms, word of advice pronunciation, word of advice translation, English dictionary definition of word of advice. Noun 1. word of advice - cautionary advice about something imminent ; "a letter of admonition about
19.WhichofthefollowingitalicizedwordsDOESNOTcarrythemetaphoricalmeaning? A.Iwonderwhat’sbehindthischangeofplan. B.Jimturnedtospeaktothepersonstandingbehindhim. C.Thisworkshouldhavebeenfinishedyesterday.I’mgettingterriblybehind. D.IsupposeI’mluckybecausemyparentswerebehindmealltheway. ...
1.2 Sound and Meaning A word is a symbol that stands for something else in the world. Each of the world's cultures has come to agree that certain sounds will represent certain persons, things, places, properties, processes and activities outside the language system.This symbolic connection is...
such a form reconstructed for a parent language, as *sed-,the hypothetical proto-Indo-European root meaning "sit.'' roots: a person's original or true home, environment, and culture:He's lived in New York for twenty years, but his roots are in France. ...