Play the Word Meaning Game!About this Worksheet: Another addition to our word meaning game, this worksheet has more complex words. Simply cut out the sentences and words. The student replaces the red word in the sentence with a word card that has a similar meaning. It’s helpful for 2nd...
Write context clues on the board. Say, "It is often helpful to look at what comes before and after a tricky word. The words before and after a tricky word can give readers helpful context clues about the meaning and structure of the new word, as well as how it is used. Today, we ...
In my five vocabulary programs (see below), I use vocabulary worksheets to help students learn grade-level multiple meaning words and context clue strategies to explain their use. Check out my S.A.L.E. Context Clue Strategies with free lessonsHERE. Multiple Meaning Words *** For full-year ...
Each word search has 8 Dolche sight words for preschool and kindergarten students to find. Free | Vocabulary | Worksheets | Kindergarten | Printable