Useful Word keyboard shortcutsComposing and editingAction Windows key combination Mac key combination Create a new document Ctrl-N ⌘-N Open a document Ctrl-O ⌘-O Save a document Ctrl-S ⌘-S Open the Save As dialog box F12 ⌘-Shift-S Close a document Ctrl-W ⌘-W Print...
there is a shortcut key to make a strikethrough in text. The combination keys to make a strikethrough in Word is pressing the combination keys Ctrl+D to open the Font dialog box will open; we will explain more details in this tutorial. ...
Here are the keyboard shortcuts for each one: Strikethrough: Alt + K Double Strikethrough: Alt+L Superscript: Alt+P Subscript: Alt+B Small caps: Alt+M All caps: Alt+A Hidden: Alt+H To expand your knowledge and learn how to use the Font dialog box to underline words only and change ...
Microsoft Word hasloads of keyboard shortcuts, including a bunch for applying formatting. Unfortunately, there's no built-in shortcut for applying strikethrough formatting. If it's something you do a lot, though, you can create your own key combo. Start by opening that Font window back up. ...
Use a screen reader to create bulleted or numbered lists with Word Keyboard shortcuts in Word Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365 Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word...
Microsoft Word Shortcut Key Combinations Learn these MS Word shortcuts. You can work faster with the help of keys like CTRL+C (copy), CTRL+V (paste), CTRL+A (Select all) etc. Be a keyboard warrior! shortcut keys work faster than doing the same thing with mouse. Wh...
Customize Keyboard dialog box in MS Word for setting shortcut for strikethrough. MS Word will automatically capture the keys you will press.You can use any combination of Shift, Alt, Ctrl and a letter key. If you will press a key combination that has already been assigned to some other com...
METHOD 1 – Use keyboard shortcut PressCtrl+Shift+Eto turn onTrack Changes. The shortcut works as a toggle. If already turned on, the shortcut turns offTrack Changes. Note that this shortcut works in all versions of Word. This is the fastest method. ...
2.Shortcuts ➢Thereisamouseshortcutattoprightofthescreenforclosingadocument()➢Shortcuts:快捷方式 MouseTechniques Therearethreetechniquesyoucanusewiththemouse ➢Clickinthedocument➢UsetheScrollbars➢Double-clickinablankareaofthedocument Dragtomove:拖拽 TypingtheLetter Ifyoumakeanytypingmistakes,usethe...
Maybe you prefer to tackle tasks in Word using keyboard shortcuts. If so, you can insert a line using the keyboard AutoFormat feature. Step 1:Open your Word document or create a new one. Step 2:In the document, put your cursor where you want to insert the line. Then press theHyphen...