在Spire.Doc for .NET中,Paragraph.InsertSectionBreak(SectionBreakType breakType)方法用于在段落中插入分节符。 其中SectionBreakType枚举中包含的几种分节符类型如下: SectionBreakType.NoBreak:表示连续分节符,即新节的内容将紧接着当前页的内容开始,无需新的一页。适用于在同一页面内分隔不同部分的情况。 Section...
1.Click the position where you want to insert a section break. 2.Click theInserttab and click theBreaksdrop-down button. We have four options: Next Page Section Break, Continuous Section Break, Even Page Section Break and Odd Page Section Break. Let's know about them one by one. ·Next...
1.在文档中,如果想插入新行,可以单击光标定位到你想插入新行的位置。然后,在键盘上按下“Enter”键,就会自动在光标前插入一行。 2. 除了使用键盘上“Enter”,还可以使用Word菜单中的“Insert”-“Break”命令来快速插入一行。 首先,打开Word文档,然后,选择“Insert”-“Break”命令,在弹出的窗口中,选择“Page B...
insertBreak (breakType:Word.BreakType |“Page”|“下一步”|“SectionNext”|“SectionContinuous”|“SectionEven”|“SectionOdd”|“Line”, insertLocation: Word.InsertLocation.before |word.InsertLocation.after |“Before”|“After”) 在主文档的指定位置插入分隔符。 insertFileFromBase6...
Insert a Section Break Click anywhere on the page. This is where your new section will begin, so it's a good idea to avoid breaking up words or sentences and instead look for opportunities to break the page at the end of a paragraph or at least a sentence. ...
How to insert a Section Break in a Word document Well, the best option, at least from our point of view, is to useSection Breaks. This is a feature long a part of Microsoft Word; therefore, we expect that most advanced users would have already known of it. However, for the regular ...
InsertParagraphBefore() 在指定的范围前插入一个新段落。 InsertSymbol(Int32, Object, Object, Object) 插入一个符号,用于替换指定的范围。 InsertXML(String, Object) 将指定的 XML 文本插入到指定的区域或选定内容中。 InStory(Range) 确定要应用此方法的选定内容或范围是否与 参数指定的 Range 区域位于同一...
The Paragraph button allows you to see formatting.How to Insert Section Breaks in Your Word Docs To insert a page or section break, place the cursor where you want one section/page to end and the next section/page to begin.Go to Insert > Break, and then choose the specific type of ...
insertBreak(breakType, insertLocation) 在主文档的指定位置插入分隔符。 insertContentControl() 使用富文本内容控件封装嵌入式图像。 insertFileFromBase64(base64File, insertLocation) 在指定位置插入 document。 insertHtml(html, insertLocation) 在指定位置插入 HTML。
When you get to 7 inches from top of the 'document, insert a hard page break. Pos = oWord.InchesToPoints(7) oDoc.Bookmarks("\endofdoc").Range.InsertParagraphAfter Do Set oRng = oDoc.Bookmarks("\endofdoc").Range oRng.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 6 oRng.Inse...