privatevoidAddData(System.Data.DataRow row,stringcompanyName){objectmissing = System.Type.Missing;// Create a table if it doesn't already exist.if(Globals.ThisDocument.Tables.Count ==0) {try{// Create a table.Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Table tbl = Globals.ThisDocument.Tables.Add (Gl...
objectoTemplate ="c:\\"; oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add(refoTemplate,refoMissing,refoMissing,refoMissing); 在範本中,您可以定義書簽,讓自動化用戶端可以在檔的特定位置填入變數文字,如下所示: cs objectoBookMark ="MyBookmark"; oDoc.Bookmarks.Item(refoBookMark).Range....
Word.Application wrdApp; Word._Document wrdDoc;ObjectoMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;ObjectoFalse =false;privatevoid InsertLines(int LineNum) { int iCount; // Insert"LineNum"blank lines.for(iCount =1; iCount<=LineNum; iCount++) { wrdApp.Selection.TypeParagraph(); } }privatevoid...
privatevoidbutton1_Click(objectsender, System.EventArgs e){objectoMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;objectoEndOfDoc ="\\endofdoc";/* \endofdoc is a predefined bookmark *///Start Word and create a new document.Word._Application oWord; Word._Document oDoc; oWord =...
object missing = Type.Missing; object targetfilename = @"D:\a.docx"; Word.Document docTarget = wordApp.Documents.Open(ref targetfilename, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ref missing, ...
Word 2021 Reference Styles Missing? After upgrading from Office 2019 to 2021, I am left with only two reference styles: APA and MLA. What has happened to the other options, specifically IEEE? Is there a way to add them back in?
Option 2: Insert a PDF into Word by converting to Word first. If you don’t want to attach the PDF as an object, you can convert the PDF to Word, then copy and paste the information you want from the PDF directly into the Word document. The easiest way to convert PDFs to Word is...
Object Nothing = Missing.Value; public _Application Application { get { return wordApp; } set { wordApp = value; } } public _Document Document { get { return wordDoc; } set { wordDoc = value; } } // 通过模板创建新文档 public void CreateNewDocument(string filePath) ...
For reference-type parameters, you can pass the Type.Missing value, indicating to Word that it should treat the parameters as if you hadn't passed a value at all. For value-type parameters, you must specify an actual value. You can use the Word VBA help file to determine the default ...