6. 点击"浏览"(Browse)按钮,浏览并找到您想要插入的PDF文件。7. 选择PDF文件后,点击"插入"(Insert)按钮。此时,PDF文件将作为对象插入到Word文档中。8. 如果您希望文档读者能够查看PDF文件的内容,请确保在插入对象时选择"显示为图标"(Display as icon)选项。这样,PDF文件将以图标形式显示,点击图标...
然后选择你需要的word文档,点击“确定,然后outlook中会以打开的word形式显示,然后右键单击该文档,选择“Document Object(文档对象)”——Convert(转换)——然后在“Convert to(转换到)”的最右边就有“Display as icon(以图标显示)”勾上,点击“OK(确定)”就可以了!
Part 2: How to Insert a PDF Document into Word as a Link Object? While embedding a PDF directly into a Word document is a powerful feature, linking a PDF as an object offers a dynamic way to reference external content. In this segment, we'll delve into the process of inserting a PDF...
If you want the inserted file to appear as a clickable icon, rather than the first page of the file, selectDisplay as icon. If this check box is selected, you can choose a different icon by selectingChange Icon. Tip:The information in theResultsection changes based on whetherLink to...
Link or Embed a file To insert a copy of your file into another, embed or link to it. Go to Insert > Object. Select Create from File. Select Browse and choose the file you want to use. Select Insert. Choose Display as icon to embed, or Link to file for a link. Select OK Need...
2. Click the Insert tab and the Object button. Then the Insert Object dialog will pop up. 3. In the dialog, choose Create from file. 4. Click the Browse button, select the Word document we want to insert, and click Open. 5. Check Link to file and Display as icon, and click OK....
ClickInsert>Object. If the Word document already exists, in theInsert Objectdialog box, selectCreate from file. ClickBrowseto locate the Word document you want to insert. Select your Word document, and clickOK. Make sure theLinkandDisplay as iconcheck boxes are clear. ClickOKto insert the co...
wdDialogConvertObject IconNumber、 ActivateAs、 IconFileName、 Caption、 Class、 DisplayIcon、 Floating wdDialogCopyFile FileName、 Directory wdDialogCreateAutoText (无) wdDialogCSSLinks LinkStyles wdDialogDocumentStatistics FileName、 Directory、 Template、 Title、 Created、 LastSaved、 LastSavedBy、 Rev...
The order of icons in the specified file corresponds to the order in which the icons appear in the Change Icon dialog box (Insert menu, Object dialog box) when the Display as icon check box is selected. The first icon in the file has the index number 0 (zero). If an icon wi...
/> <IconUrl DefaultValue="http://officeimg.vo.msecnd.net/_layouts/images/general/office_logo.jpg" /> <SupportUrl DefaultValue="[Insert the URL of a page that provides support information for the app]" /> <Hosts> <Host Name="Document" /> <Host Name="Presentation" /> </Hosts> <Defaul...