wdDialogEditAutoText Name、 Context、 InsertAs、 Insert、 Add、 Define、 InsertAsText、 Delete、 CompleteAT wdDialogEditCreatePublisher (有关该常量的信息,请参阅包含在 Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition 中的语言参考帮助。) wdDialogEditFind Find、 Replace、 Direction、 MatchCase、 WholeWord、 Pattern...
wdDialogInsertPageNumbers 輸入、 位置、 FirstPage wdDialogInsertPicture Name、 LinkToFile、 New、 FloatOverText wdDialogInsertSubdocument Name、ConfirmConversions、ReadOnly、LinkToSource、AddToMru、PasswordDoc、PasswordDot、Revert、WritePasswordDoc、WritePasswordDot、Connection、SQLStatement、SQLStatement1、Format...
When discussing the header and footer of a Word document, we refer to the document's margins. Although both are in the margin, the header is at the top of the page, and the footer is at the bottom. Having the same heading across a document is only one of the many possible ways to ...
builder->Write(u"Aspose.Words Header/Footer Creation Primer - Title Page."); // --- Create header for pages other than the first page. --- pageSetup->set_HeaderDistance(20); builder->MoveToHeaderFooter(HeaderFooterType::HeaderPrimary); // Insert absolutely positioned image into the top/le...
InsertNewPage() 在插入点的位置插入一个新页面。 InsertParagraph() 用新段落替换指定的所选内容。 InsertParagraphAfter() 在所选内容之后插入段落标记。 InsertParagraphBefore() 在指定的选定内容之前插入新段落。 InsertRows(Object) 在所选内容的上方插入指定数量的新行。 InsertRowsAbove(Object) 在当前选定...
BuildingBlockInsert 构建基块插入文档时发生。 (继承自 DocumentEvents2_Event) Close 该事件在关闭文档时发生。 (继承自 DocumentEvents2_Event) ContentControlAfterAdd 在将内容控件添加到文档之后发生。 (继承自 DocumentEvents2_Event) ContentControlBeforeContentUpdate 更新内容控件中的内容之前出现(仅...
See File New Variations in the Versions of Microsoft Word. Here are some samples of files that could go in a user templates folder or one of its sub-folders: Business Cards Basic Letterhead with continuation header CD / DVD Jewel Case Insert These templates could, instead, go in the ......
Inserting a page break using the insert tab is a simple process. Here are the steps on how to insert a page break using the Insert tab: Step 1: Place your cursor where you want to add the page break. Step 2:Go to the top of your document, where you'll locate the "Insert" tab....
To insert a page or section break, place the cursor where you want one section/page to end and the next section/page to begin. Go toInsert>Break, and then choose the specific type of page break or section break you want to insert. ...