運算式。Smartart表達 代表'InlineShape' 物件的變數。註解SmartArt 屬性會針對與內嵌圖形相關聯的 SmartArt 圖形,提供可互動的進入點。範例下列程式碼範例會將 SmartArt 圖形新增至使用中文件。VB 複製 Dim myDoc As Document Dim myInlineShape As InlineShape Dim mySmartArt As SmartArt Set myDoc = ...
wdInlineShapeLockedCanvas 14 锁定的内嵌形状画布。 wdInlineShapeSmartArt 15 智能艺术。 wdInlineShapeWebVideo 16 作为海报帧视频网站的图片。 注解 内嵌形状是文档的文字层中的对象。 内嵌形状只能是图片、OLE 对象或 ActiveX 控件。 适用于 产品版本 Word primary interop assembly Latest 反馈...
HasSmartArt Height HorizontalLineFormat Hyperlink IsPictureBullet Line LinkFormat LockAspectRatio OLEFormat OWSAnchor Parent PictureFormat Range Reflection ScaleHeight ScaleWidth Script Shadow SmartArt SoftEdge TextEffect Title Type Width 妙快找抉忱抑 ...
Important:Before aligning objects, theWrap Textoption for each object needs to be set to something other thanIn Line with Text. Right-click each object, selectWrap Text, and select an option from the menu. Align a picture, shape, text box, SmartArt graphic, or WordA...
articulation- the aspect of pronunciation that involves bringing articulatory organs together so as to shape the sounds of speech mumbling- indistinct enunciation 2.diction- the manner in which something is expressed in words; "use concise military verbiage"- G.S.Patton ...
acronym- a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the name Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster...
expression。HasSmartArt 表達代表Shape物件的變數。 範例 下列程式碼範例會顯示使用中文件的第一個圖形,是否包含 SmartArt。 VB DimmyShapeAsShapeSetmyShape = ActiveDocument.Shapes(1)IfmyShape.HasSmartArtThenMsgBox"The first shape contains SmartArt."ElseMsgBox"The first shape contains no SmartArt."EndIf...
InlineShape.SmartArt-Eigenschaft (Word) Artikel 07.04.2023 6 Mitwirkende Feedback In diesem Artikel Syntax HinwBemerkungeneise Beispiel Siehe auch Gibt ein SmartArt-Objekt zurück, das eine Möglichkeit bietet, mit der SmartArt zu arbeiten, die der angegebenen Inlineform zugeordnet ist....
Article 09/13/2021 5 contributors Feedback In this article Syntax Parameters Return value See also Inserts a SmartArt graphic as an inline shape into the active document.Syntaxexpression. AddSmartArt( _Layout_ , _Range_ )expression An expression that returns a 'InlineShapes' object.Paramete...
In this article Syntax Remarks Example See also Returns aSmartArtobject that provides a way to work with the SmartArt associated with the specified inline shape. Read-only. Syntax expression.SmartArt expressionA variable that represents an 'InlineShape' object. ...