在主界面上,点击左上角的“添加”按钮(部分版本可能显示为“File”->“Create new archive”),以创建一个新的压缩任务。 二、添加要压缩的Word文件 在打开的窗口中,可以通过拖拽的方式将需要压缩的Word文件直接拖拽到文件列表中。 或者,在空白区域单击鼠标右键,选择“Add file(s)”菜单选项,然后从本地电脑中选择...
亲爱的朋友,这个应该就是你在找的东西。 点击[office全套视频教程大全wordexcelppt2016201320102007办公软件已破解 之2013word教程.zip]开启发现之旅吧~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,有没有其他资源想让我分享呀?
Zip your Microsoft Word files A zipped file is used when you want to compress the size of a file. This can be helpful if you need to save the file to a disk with limited space or email a large attachment to a colleague. Microsoft Word documents do not take up a lot of space unless...
软件一:全能RAR解压缩(PC) 这是一款针对RAR、ZIP等多种压缩格式的解压与压缩工具,它提供了分卷压缩、密码保护等高级功能。此外,它还具备Word、图片、视频等多种文件格式的压缩功能,满足大家的多种需求。 操作方法: 首先,打开此软件,选择“Word压缩”功能; 点击“添加文件”按钮,将需要压缩的word文件导入到软件中;...
Files with a zip file extension are archive files that can contain many other files within them. If you have a zip file that you believe contains a Word document, instead of converting the zip file, you need to decompress and extract the zip file.
One of the most commonly asked questions is, “How do I fix a Word file that won't open in any program?” The answer is to use a specialized Word file repair tool such as the one mentioned below. 2: Opening the Word File on Another System ...
m guessing is .doc to .docx. Go to File and then Info. Here, you’ll see a Convert option. Click on it and click on Ok in the subsequent prompt. The .docx file essentially acts as a .ZIP folder which is able to compress a substantial amount of data in a file of a rather ...
Once you finish the download, extract the documents from the.zip file. Works converters for Word download Open the document based on the version of your Windows (32-bit or 64-bit); click on “Works Text Converters 32 bit.exe” or “Works Text Converters 64 bit.exe” and run all the ...
Now, double-click to open the zip file. Open thewordfolder. Now, click on themediafolder. This is the folder where all theimagesembedded in the Word document are located. Have a look below. Now, you can cut or copy any or all images from here to any other folder. ...
public AjaxResult uploadImgZip(MultipartFile zipFile) throws IOException { // 1. 参数校验 if (Objects.isNull(zipFile)) { return AjaxResult.error("【批量证书图片上传】缺少zip包"); } String fileContentType = zipFile.getContentType(); if (!Constants.CONTENT_TYPE_ZIP.equals(fileContentType) ...