Google Gemini Cheat Sheet (Formerly Google Bard): What Is Google Gemini, and How Does It Work? Google Gemini vs. ChatGPT: Is Gemini Better Than ChatGPT? Top 6 Jamboard Alternatives & Competitors for 2024 (Free & Paid) Power Checklist: Managing and Troubleshooting Android Devices How to get ...
Word Relax Level 901: Fort Rift Riot Trio Riff Iffy Fifty Fortify Word Relax Level 902: Art Rat Ray Sat Say Tar Try Star Stay Stray Tarry Starry Word Relax Level 903: Loud Told Undo Unto Lout Donut Untold Word Relax Level 904: Clue Luck Hulk Check Chuck Cluck Chuckle Word Relax Level ...
Wordy Word Level 528: Kept Ketchup Hut Tuck Cut Cue Tech The Pech Put Cup Pet Etch Hue Cute Wordy Word Level 529: Check Chic Chick Cine Niche Chicken Ice Hen Neck Hike Chin Ink Nice Nice Wordy Word Level 530: Man Minimal Main Nil Lain Minima Nail Maim Mail Wordy Word Level 531: Lay...
39. hike / haɪk / vi. 徒步旅行 vt. 去…远足 n. 远足; 徒步旅行 40. economy /ɪˈkɒnəmi/ n. 经济; 节约 41. economic /ˌi:kəˈnɒmɪk/ adj. 经济(上)的; 经济学的 42. credit /ˈkredɪt/ n. 借款;信用; 称赞; 学分 43. credit card 信用卡 44. deta...
习惯性搭配: who's game for a [hike, climb, walk]?, a game [designer, programmer, tester, store], play a [football, soccer] game, 更多…… 标题中含有单词 'game' 的论坛讨论: bridge (card game) can play (video game, football, basketball) Get your head in the game Good game How ...
hike gram smile diagram Islamic mini lawn spice german landing alpha optimal master transcript trait generator trace biological cleaner magnetic excuse situate surgeon amenities chord shark lean ski steady demonstration collaborate lawsuit puppy enforce human...
附录附录2 词汇表说明:1.本词汇表共收3000个单词,含义务教育阶段要求掌握的1500个单词。高中英语必修课程应学习和掌握500个单词表中加有一个号,累计达2000。选择性必修课程应学习和掌握1000个单词表中加有两个号,累计达3000。
人教版高中英语新教材词汇表 必修一 Welcome Unit exchange? /?ks?t?e?nd?/? n. ?交换;?交流? vt.??交换;?交流;交易;?兑换 lecture ?/?lekt??(r)/? n.?? 讲座;讲课;教训???vi.??(开)讲座;讲课?vt.?训斥 registration /?red???stre??n / n.??登记;注册;挂号 register / ?red??st?(...
“拿住” hic hick hid hide high hike hilar=glad,表示“高兴” hill hilt him hind hinge hint hip hire his hit hitch hive hoard hob hock hod hog hold hole hom=man (人) home hon hood hook hoop hoot hop hope hor(r)=shudder,dread,表示“颤抖,害怕”hort=encourage,表示“鼓励” horde horn...