Discussions about 'indivisible' in the English Only forum See Google Translate's machine translation of 'indivisible'. In other languages:French|Italian|Portuguese|Romanian|German|Dutch|Swedish|Russian|Polish|Czech|Greek|Turkish|Chinese|Japanese|Korean|Arabic ...
The word atom comes from the Greek word "atomos" which means indivisible. What is meant by Inalienability? adjective. not transferable to another or not capable of being taken away or denied; not alienable: inalienable rights, freedoms, and liberties; an inalienable territory; inalienable principl...
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Increased scientific knowledge and discovery and also important factors that account for the change of word meaning, for instance, atom is derived from the Greek from atoms, which means “any of the indivisible particles”. Now science has proved that atomis not the smallest and can be divided...
Theword derivesfrom the Greek —dia, ‘through’, and speirein, ‘to scatter’. Lapalabraviene delgriego—dia, «a través de» y speirein, «dispersar, esparcir». Literature I know they live in an apiary, aword derivedfrom apis, which is Latin for " bee. " ...
For instance, atom is derived from the Greek form atoms, which meant ‘any of the indivisible particles’. Now science has proved that atom is not the smallest and can be divided into even smaller pentacles, hence the abandonment of the original meaning. 2.1.2 Social identity Language is ...
While the dramatic rise of the atomic theory over the last century and a half deems to have vindicated (证明……正确) Democritus, only the Greek name atom ("indivisible") remains to establish his claim as the father of the theory. Nonetheless, Democritus’ thinking contained the seed of the...
From the history of English, we know that the ancestor of modern English is a Germanic language holder of the Anglo Saxon language, they in AD 449 years from the northern continental Europe landed in Britain occupied the Celts land, absorbs light Celtic language. After the Greek culture of ...
The origins ofalmondcan be traced to the Greek wordamygdalos(almond tree); the origins of the Greek word may be Semitic. Thelinalmondwas introduced in French, (reasons vary as to why this was so) and English took the word from French before the French ditched thelto form modern-dayamand...
Audio Cross Study Comm Greek Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionFor the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.New Living Tran...