Quiz for Word-formation-推荐下载 Quiz for Word-formation 1.Turn the following nouns and adjectives into verbs with suffixes –en, -ify, -ize and then choose appropriate verbs you have formed to fill in the sentences that follow:hard, horror, modern, memory, fat, taut, sympathy, false, ...
to the end of it and the verb ‘decide’ is used as a noun by removing ‘de’ and adding ‘sion’ to the word. forming compound words compound words are formed by combining one part of speech with another to form a specific word class. there are many ways in which compound words ...
Verb suffixes -en bright – brighten soft – soften -ize public – publicize demon – demonize -ate active – activate different – differentiate -(i)fy simple – simplify solid – solidify Adverb suffixes -ly worried – worriedly distant – distantly Prefixes (negative) a- moral – amoral the...
4.1.1Prefixation •Definition:itistheformationofnewwordsbyaddingprefixtostems.•Features:non-classchanging•Exceptions:class-changingprefixesInmodernEnglish,therearesmallpartofprefixesthatdochangethepartofspeech,eg.ainasleep,eninencourage.•Nowlookatthefollowingwords.Canyouseparatetheirprefixedfromtheirroot...
8、tions.Suffixes can be divided into noun suffixes, adjective suffixes, adverb suffixes and verb suffixes.2. Compounding1) DefinitionCompounding is a process of word formation by which two or more stems are put together to make one word. The word formed in this way is called a compound.2)...
suffixeshaveonly asmallsemanticrole,theirprimary functionbeingtochangethegrammatical functionofstems.Inotherwords,they mainlychangethewordclass. •Classification: onagrammaticalbasis,suffixesare dividedintonounsuffixes,verbsuffixes, adjectivesuffixes,etc. .8 WordPartof speech suffixNewwordPartof speech teachv....
A number of English verbs were formed by adding a Latin prefix to cedere. Secede is another verb that is typically used of territory; a region secedes when it is no longer part of a federation. You can also secede from an organization, such as a political party. Secede was formed by at...
to language that is most suited to informal conversation—and it ultimately garnered an additional, disparaging implication of a style that seems too informal for a situation. Colloquy and colloquial trace back to the Latin verb colloqui, meaning "to converse." Colloqui in turn was formed by ...
A gutter; a groove, as in a fluted column. noun (n.) Flat ledges of heavy plank bolted edgewise to the outside of a vessel, to increase the spread of the shrouds and carry them clear of the bulwarks. verb (v. t.) To form a channel in; to cut or wear a channel or channels ...