Every now and then, that inner 8 year old needs to be let out to play. And this is where the Swedish word fartlek (FART-laik) comes in. It literally means ‘speed-play’ and describes a type of athletics training devised in the 1930s in which periods of fast and slow running...
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe...
Breasts and Eggsis set in two time periods eight years apart and centres around 30 year old woman Natsuko, a writer living in Tokyo and those two themes, Breasts and Eggs; or Appearance and Mothering. I’m still in the same apartment with the slanted, peeling walls and the same overbearin...
Word of the Year Late in 2023, Merriam-Webster announced its word of the year. It picked the wordauthentic. Merriam-Webster publishes dictionaries. It highlights a word every year. The choice is based on searches from the dictionary’s website. Often, the word reflects world events. Authentic...
We offer you a pronunciation for every taste. Become first to start a conversation. Impress your friends, family, and teachers. Read any scientific article in one breath. Keep your mind focused. Make your thoughts clear. Sound sexier. Only one word a day. 365 words a year. 'Spanish Word...
nextyear in Spanish|in French|English synonyms|English Collocations|English Usage|Conjugator|in context|images We could not find the full phrase you were looking for. The entry for "next" is displayed below. Also see:year WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 20...
The New Yorker, 10 Feb. 2025See all Example Sentences forcrossword Word History First Known Use 1914, in the meaning definedabove Time Traveler The first known use ofcrosswordwas in 1914 See more words from the same year Phrases Containingcrossword ...
She spoke to me in Spanish. 她用西班牙语跟我说话。 in prep (condition) SC 处于...状态 SC 处于…中 chǔ yú … zhōng SC 在…情形下 zài … qíng xíng xià The plate was lying in fragments on the ground. 盘子掉在地上摔碎了。 in adv (in style) SC 时髦shí máo SC 流行sh...
What makes ‘unicorn’ rank among the Words of the Year for 2017 is the way the creature has been used this year as a branding tool, especially when done out with glitter and pastel shades. Attempts to cash in on the phenomenon include ‘unicorn toast’ (bread covered in cream cheese jaz...
(clavus) in Chinese,How to say would rather in Chinese,Learn Chinese word for bones,Learn Chinese word for hand,Learn Chinese word for rooster,Piano music sheet for Chinese song Gong Xi Gong Xi,What are eggs called in Chinese,What is 田鸡,What is 令箭,What's cocktail in Chinese,Year of...