unsteadilyadv(shakily)SCSimplified Chinese摇摇晃晃地,颤颤巍巍地 SCSimplified Chinese不稳固地,不牢固地 A drunk man was walking unsteadily along the street. 在这些条目还发现'unsteadily': 在英文解释里: falter-stagger-staggering-totter-totterer-tottering ...
6.The sudden death of the young famous writer made us shocked(shock). 7.He has taught men and women of all ages and various nationalities(nationality). 8.Badly wounded(wound) in his left leg, the soldier walked unsteadily. 9.He stood behind the door, from where he could se...
Avery old man walking unsteadily but with dignity. [page157] 3 ·The style of the story In this short story, we can see a very Hemingway’s writing style. Firstly, you can hardly find any complicated words, phrases or sentences。 Hemingway uses easy and simple word as many as possible。
[31] The waiterwatchedhimgo(〈->going# to go)down[go up north朝北走<->go down south朝南走; go up the hill上山〈-〉go down the hill下山。Go todown town下城里去<-〉go up to the countryside下乡]the street, a very old man walkingunsteadily(蹒跚)butwith dignity(不失尊严)。 [32] ”...
(.61./sw/is aninitialofmany words withthebasic meaning'sway,swing',assweep,swing,swinglesb. OEswapan'sweep',swengan=MEswengen'smite'.It isobviouslyavariantof/w/whichwill explaintheetymologyofseveral words.The nowdialectalwordswag'moveunsteadily, sway,wag(thehead)'1530whichthe OEDcannot explain...
Heunsteadily, fu hind is admired before, resembling is malty wine. 他东倒西歪, 前俯后仰, 像是喝醉了酒. 互联网 It was crowded in the street, everyone thrust against others. walkingunsteadily. 大街上人很多, 你推我我推你, 走不稳当. ...
It might seem insignificant, but to this child, who had seen41but cruelty for as long as he could remember, it was a gesture that42a turning point in his life. When he was liberated by the American forces, he was dying. He43needed food. As he was walking unsteadily along the road,...
stagger⇒vi(walk unsteadily)SCSimplified Chinese蹒跚pán shān SCSimplified Chinese踉跄pán shān,liàng qiàng SCSimplified Chinese摇摆pán shān,yáo bǎi TCTraditional Chinese搖擺 The young man staggered as he left the bar. 年轻男子踉踉跄跄地离开酒吧。
He said: "there is no long-term future" for cars with traditional engines. If you want to buy one of these Volvos in about nine years, you will have to make your order online. You will still be able to look at cars at a Volvo store, however. The current Volvo stores,...
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