In 2 Timothy 2:15, Paul is instructing Timothy to rightly divide the word of God. The "word divided" is the Greek word orthotomeō and the Greek English Lexicon defines this word as “guide the word of truth along a straight path, teach the word aright, expound (it) soundly, shape ...
“begotten before all ages of the Father according to the Godhead, and in these latter days, for us and for our salvation, born of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, according to the Manhood; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, to be acknowledged in two natures…” ...
The Exegetical Tools podcast discussing sound practices and superlative resources to help you rightly divide the Word of Truth. “And let us be sure of this: we will not long preserve the gospel without the languages.” Learn Greek Meet our team ...
Each of these chapters begins with an epigram fromMedea by Euripides(a Greek tragedy/play from 431 BC), that sets the tone for the theme that will be discussed. Like our protagonist Inés, Medea too, took vengeance against her philandering husband Jason, by murdering his new wife and worse...
The phrase sets the stage for understanding the divine nature of the Word, aligning with the Jewish understanding of God as eternal. was the WordThe term "Word" (Logos in Greek) is rich in meaning. In Jewish thought, the Word of God is associated with creation, revelation, and salvation....
Though Irenaeus hints at several letters by Polycarp, only one has come down to us. That letter is to the church at Philippi and reflects the same concern for truth and orthodoxy we have already mentioned. His letter is filled with, indeed almost made up of, quotes from the Gospels, Acts...
“Here we see the idolatry of Rebekah; sacrificing her husband, her elder son, her principle, her own soul, for an idolized person. Do not mistake. No one ever loved child, brother, sister, too much. It is not the intensity of affection, but its interference with truth and duty, that...
menu. When I click on it, nothing appears, so I am unable to select the font to replace it with. I tried just typing in the words "SBL Greek" but when I applied it to the document, it just replaced instances of Gentium with the WORDS "SBL Greek" – not what I was looking for!
people and disturbance. So much was she affronted, she left the city the opening ceremony week and went off to a Greek Island with her friends, while another friend, with quite the opposite attitude, quit Bretagne and came to Paris for a month specifically to witness and be a part of the...
Her parents had lived in Botswana, spreading the word among the tribespeople. Character The estimate, individual or general, put upon a person or thing; reputation. A man's character for truth and veracity Her actions give her a bad character. Word Logos, Christ. Character A reference given...