树种规划Planning of trees and shrubs 绿地类型Typeof green space 环状绿型Annular green space 块状绿地Green plot 点状绿地Green spot 放射状绿地Radiate green space 楔状绿地wedge-shaped green space缓冲绿地Buffer green space 防音绿地Noiseproof green space 科学景观论Scientific landscape theory 园林保留地Reserv...
Wood from trees can be used in a number of different ways. For example, it can be used for making furniture.根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。()1. What’s the main difference between trees and shrubs A. The age. B. The colour.C. The height. D. The importance.()2. Why is the Giant Seq...
“Those trees are likely to die.” City trees have many benefits, from making urban spaces look beautiful and providing a refuge for wildlife to keeping places up to 12°C cooler than they would otherwise be in summer. Losing tree 3 would lead to cities becoming even hotter as the planet...
scrubn(shrubs, small trees together)SCSimplified Chinese灌木丛guàn mù cóng TCTraditional Chinese灌木叢 SCSimplified Chinese矮树丛guàn mù cóng,ǎi shù cóng TCTraditional Chinese矮樹叢 The moorland was bleak and nothing but scrub grew there. ...
Arboretum a facility where trees and shrubs are cultivated for exhibition Backwoods a remote and undeveloped area Back Country Ballpark a facility in which ball games are played (especially baseball games) "take me out to the ballpark" Bedding material used to provide a bed for animals Bedding ...
Get enough humans here, build machines and robots, make farms and cities, and nobody would need the creechies any more. And a good thing too. For this world, New Tahiti, was literally made for men. Cleaned up and cleaned out, the dark forests cut down for open fields of grain, the...
timber 5 definitions of the word timber. Noun The wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material A beam made of wood A post made of wood Land that is covered with trees and shrubs (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound) ...
W:That’s not a big problem for me。Some days I don’t feel like working,but then I tell myself that writing is the job I love。If my book does well,I’ll be able to save some extra money.Then I can take a real break and go somewhere exciting. Text 8 W:Hello...
scrubn(shrubs, small trees together)SCSimplified Chinese灌木丛guàn mù cóng TCTraditional Chinese灌木叢 SCSimplified Chinese矮树丛guàn mù cóng,ǎi shù cóng TCTraditional Chinese矮樹叢 The moorland was bleak and nothing but scrub grew there. ...
Today, adventurers and tourists come here to marvel at this strange pile of boulders with baobab trees (猴面包树) growing out of it. These trees are estimated to be 3,000 or 4,000 years old; they are really impressive not only for their size but also because they seem to have so ...