March 26, 2020, posted inBible Study,Christian Life,God,Psalms,Uncategorized Pandemic, virus, quarantine, shortages, sickness, and death, all of these words have created great fear in the lives of many people today. In the last month, our lives have changed dramatically with the coming of th...
IMDb è la fonte più popolare e autorevole al mondo per film, programmi TV e contenuti sulle celebrità. Trova valutazioni e recensioni per i film e i programmi TV più recenti. Ottieni suggerimenti personalizzati e scopri dove guardare centinaia di for
"WORDup Podcast - Focused daily bible study" The equation of prayer (Podcast Episode 2021) - Awards, nominations, and wins
Aug 29, 2018 | Bible Study, Pastor Ronald D. Walker Jr.Pastor Ronald D. Walker, Jr. Sermon message entitled, “Wisdom for Leadership”. Knowledge of the truth comes from studying the Word of God and listening to anointed preaching. We need to acquire knowledge. Understanding happens when th...
Holy Bible - study verse wordRatings and Reviews 4.8out of 5 131 Ratings Endianzhilu,2024-09-06 Helpful Very helpful and easy to use 小雨妈妈,2022-11-16 非常喜欢 很好的圣经 非常这是非常非常感谢你们
5 Great Tools for Bible Journaling & Inductive Bible Study Bible Studies Our small groups this fall are doing an inductive Bible study that involves a lot of note-taking and marking things (think colors, symbols, notes) in your Bible. There are things I love to mark in my Bibles, but I...
Pray and ask GOD to give you a hunger for HIS word. Dedicate some time during the day to read and study your Bible. Read the following “ye must be born again” and make your decision. (English,French,Portuguese,Spanish) We here at the King James Bible Study Correspondence Course have ...
Joshua: Chapter 7 Chapter 7 • Achan Takes Something under Ban • Israel Defeated • One Man’s Sin Affects Whole Nation Hunger for The Word
The right and wrong engage today! The fight is on, but be not weary; Be strong, and in His might hold fast; If God be for us, His banner o’er us, We’ll sing the victor’s song at last! If we are to “sing the victor’s song at last,” we need God’s power and equipp...
WELCOME TO WORD OF GOD TODAY! We are pleased to have you visit our website and we hope you will make it a regular stop. This site, as you can see from our home page, is dedicated to the deep and ongoing study of the Bible, the Word of God. There are posted here well over a ...