s Word to speak to our hearts. When things are going well, we may read the Bible, but the Bible becomes our life-preserver when we are in the valley. We hold unto its truths as though our lives depend upon it. “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn...
theological circles today. I can remember, even years ago, when Christian theologians used to scoff at certain books in the Bible. They laughed at the book of Jonah and treated it as some sort of myth, not realizing that they were also scoffing at the resurrection of the Lord. For we se...
“If your cup is always full of tea, there is probably no room for oil” Then today, my Bible reading included this: Psalm 133 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! 2 It is like precious oil… Continue reading Is your cup full of tea or oil?
The Daily Audio Bible Reading for Tuesday February 11, 2025 (NIV) Exodus 32-33 The Gold Calf 32 When the people saw how long it was taking Moses to come back down the mountain, they gathered around Aaron. “Come on,” they said, “make us some gods who can lead us. We don’t kn...
I decided to stray from my normal posts, which are based on my daily reading of the Bible because today I am struggling with trusting God’s plan for mine and my family’s future. Three weeks from today I will be unemployed. This isn’t a big surprise, I knew it was coming for qui...
Everyday folk in the US need at least a passing familiarity with the differences between bond, book, bristol, bible, catalog (sic) and other grades of paper. If you're interested in such minutae, Jacci Howard Baer has a useful article on Choosing Paper Grades for Desktop Publishing over ...
The bible focuses much more on how we should act rather than on how we should feel. Through worship we pray for and experience the peace and security that passes understanding (6-8). A wholeness through God’s salvation, a peace and security that is not dependent on our bank balance, ...
Bible Reading (35) Bible Study (64) Biblical figures (36) Biblical places (29) Bijbel Aanhalingen (51) Bijbel Lezen (33) Bijbel of Heilige Schrift (58) Bijbelse figuren (13) Bijbelse Plaatsen (20) Bijbelstudie (37) Bybel aanhalings (1) Church and Fellowship (111) ...
-Invest just 5 minutes for a sufficient day [Bible letter] -Supply simple but enriched words of God -Establish the solid foundation of the Bible -Send a new letter every week -Sound support -Experience God’s love!!! [Bible Reading] ...
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