Women's fight for equality is still ongoing. 女性还在为平等而奋斗。 其他翻译 英语中文 pursuitn(striving)SCSimplified Chinese奋斗fèn dòu TCTraditional Chinese奮鬥 SCSimplified Chinese追求fèn dòu ,zhuī qiú TCTraditional Chinese追求 Angela is determined in the pursuit of her ambitions. ...
lack of equality; disparity:inequality of size. social disparity:inequality between the rich and the poor. disparity or relative inadequacy in natural endowments:a startling inequality of intellect, talents, and physical stamina. injustice; partiality. ...
"Jan•Likes" heroine's self-respect striving to improve, strove for the freedom and the personality equality image has also become the later generation innumerable feminine model.Although Jan poor, does not have the family support, but can resist the society and the culture independently actually...
5). In what ways does King show that his message is intended for people of all races? King tells the world, "I have a dream" that equality will come "to all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics." He says that he...
Though her mother does not wish to talk about it, her daughter perseveres. She will weather this storm, waiting for it to calm, listening between the lines of conversation, picking up on the cues. When one person leaves, the old order collapses. That’s why we were speaking to each oth...
As a teacher I applied the same values I was taught growing up; honesty, respect and consideration for others, whether human or animal, thoughtful consideration of issues, problem-solving, and always striving to be the best you can be. One of the first things I always told my students, wa...
Paul said the Philippians were to be single-minded in striving for the gospel. Sadly, on earth, we are often distracted from spiritual striving and focus on physical striving. Many strive endlessly for that mansion, that lofty position, that perfect body, and that life filled with pleasure, ...
S. (4) There is, however, a price to be paid for this equality of opportunity: competition。 If much of life is seen as race, then a person must run the race in order to succeed; a person must compete with others. The pressures of competition in the life of an American begin in ...
Our understandings conclude that these are false, outdated distinctions which are far from positive factors for true collective human growth and potential. Their basis is in power division and stratification, not unity and equality, which is our goal. While it is important to understand that every...
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