He is known ___27___ the “Animal-friendly Postman”. For years, he has been making friends with the dogs that he ___28___ during his work. And he often takes photos with them and posts them online. It is not e...
"I was very impressed by the doctors and their assistants working and living in such little space but still staying focused and very concerned," says Ducke. " They were the best chance for many rural people to get the treatment they w...
the act of staying or sojourning in a place or the period during which one stays the act of stopping or restraining or state of being stopped, etc the suspension of a judicial proceeding, etc:stay of execution Etymology: 15thCenturystaien, from Anglo-Frenchestaier, to stay, from Old French...
Says here that Cooper won't be staying on 名誉副总裁一职 as honorary vice president. 没错 我想把他踢出去 That's right. I don't want him around. 本来就没他的事 He wouldn't be around. 他只是名誉上的副总裁 It's an honorary position. 我才不管 I don't give a shit. 你不能不管 We...
for the public good. 用于必要的公共服务 For essential public services 例如医院 学校 高速公路 like hospitals, schools, highways-- 而不是住房建设 not housing developments. 住房是必要的 Housing is essential. 博兹曼市在十年之内扩大了一倍 Bozeman has doubled in size in a decade. ...
7For their possessions were too great for them to live together; the land where they were staying could not support them because of their livestock. 8So Esau settled in the hill country of Seir; Esau is Edom. Hebrews 12:14-17 (NIV) Make every effort to live in peace with all men ...
Staying happy at work is totally based on your motivation and a positive outlook toward your job, not on ___ rewards or material gain.Always remembering the good aspects of the work and ___ from thinking about what makes you unhappy are important to happiness. Negativeit and ___ about...
8.WhatmakesthewomansurprisedaboutSteve? A.Hisbeingingoodshape.B.Histiredlook.C.Hiswayofdressing. 9.Wheredidthewomanusuallyexercise? A.Inthegym.B.Athome.C.Intheopen. 10.WhatsuggestiondoesSteveoffertothewoman? A.Usinghisguestpasses.B.Lookingforatrainer.C.Workingoutwithhim. ...
We're staying with friends for the weekend. 我们要暂住在酒店。 // 我们要暂住在朋友那儿过周末。 stay vi (endure) SC 坚持jiān chí TC 堅持 SC 持续jiān chí,chí xù TC 持續 I'm happy and I want to stay that way. 我很快乐,也想继续坚持下去。 stay with [sth/sb] vi + prep (keep...
About32%ofAmericansdontgetenoughsleep,accordingtotheCentersforDiseaseControlandPreventionintheUS.37Butasmanyas35%ofadultshavetroublesleepingfromtimetotime,and10%regularlyhavetroublefallingandstayingasleep. Justasswaddling(用襁褓裹住)babiescansendthemtosleep,usingaweightedblankethelpsyourheartandbreathingslowandyour...