Gossips Who Tarnish Our Reputations; THE LAST WORDDaily Mail (London)
gossippern([sb]who gossips)SCSimplified Chinese传播流言蜚语之人chuán bō liú yán fēi yǔ zhī rén SCSimplified Chinese喜欢八卦的人chuán bō liú yán fēi yǔ zhī rén,xǐ huān bā guà de rén She was a dreadful gossip. 她这人特别喜欢八卦,很讨厌。
Make true friends at school.That may be helpful.(1)Who may be bullied at school easily? ___A.The person who is shy.B.The person who is smart.C.The person who often gossips.D.The person who doesn't gossip.(2)The underlined word "victim" in the passage probably means ___.A.施暴...
As far back as the 11th century,shrewwas also used to describe a woman who nags, gossips or argues, or is otherwise hard to get along with. This came from the Old English word for the animal:screawa. This probably came from the popular medieval superstition about shrews because of their ...
Gossips must repeat rumors just to stir up trouble. trouble spotn(difficult place)SCSimplified Chinese故障点gù zhàng diǎn TCTraditional Chinese問題處 SCSimplified Chinese问题所在gù zhàng diǎn,wèn tí suǒ zài SCSimplified Chinese麻烦之处gù zhàng diǎn,má fán zhī chù ...
___18___.Thissortofcuriosityisnomorethanasignofalackofidentity.Whoevergossipsaboutotherslooksforthemselvesinotherpeople.Thethingis,theyjustcan’tfindthemselves. Worryingoverandoveragain Oneofthesituationsthatdrainouremotionalenergyisunstoppabledoubt.Thisiswhenwethinkandthinkbutonlycomeupwith“ifs”and“buts”...
英[ˈtætlə(r)] 美[ˈtætlər] n. 说闲话的人;搬弄是非的人 全部折叠 全部展开 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 ˈtattler /ˈtætlə/ 1 名词a person who tattles; gossip 说闲话者; 闲话 英英释义 tattler['tætlə] n. 1 someone who gossips indiscreetly 同义词: ta...
Street yarn is an early American English expression for gossip or idle talk. DARE says it’s usually used in the phrase spin street yarn, meaning to gossip, while a street-yarn spinner is someone who gossips. DARE’s earliest citation is from 1782 in the Papers of Robert Morris: “It wo...
英文解释 n. 1.someone who gossips indiscreetly 2.any of several long-legged shorebirds having a loud whistling cry 网络释义 tattler 闲谈者; 说闲话者; 说闲话的人; 释义:发光鮨; Grey-tailed Tattler 灰尾[漂]鹬; 灰尾鹬; 灰尾漂鹬;
marketing strategists see the need to identify morevariables in order to be able to apply the best strategy. An example might bethe motivation behind the creation of fake comments that create disinformation(Levine et al. 2010).8 eWOM and BenefitsWho really benefits from the information on the ...