Before you can truly fix something, you need to know how and why it is broken. So though I have only posted on my blog once since this day last year, World Sjogren’s Day has me poking out of my hole to remind those “in my world” awareness needs to continue so that some day...
In general, a hero is someone selfless, courageous and brave. These qualities drive heroes to help others in times of need, even if they are scared. You can count on them to be there for you if something bad happens.“The people that we set up as heroes are people that generally go...
On the ice, I learned that hard work is like a song: it turns wanting something into doing it. In 2023, I found out that even when things are hard, you can’t give up. You’ve got to go for your dreams, and then everything ...
In pursuing change, we too must be careful not to romanticize where we have come from or where we are going. We must remind ourselves there was a reason for wanting change in the first place. To continually look back and want to throw oneself into that familiar embrace can sabotage where ...
This is when anger andconflictcan creep into the picture. "Hurt feelings [can] elicit aggression, but I think hidden in there is this sense of being rejected and being found wanting," Tangney says. Even though having your feelings hurt is a universal experience, telling someone that what the...
Microsoft Word is one of the popular applications available for text processing. Though there are many alternate apps, Word is an ultimate document app due to its universal use. However, slow performance of Microsoft Word is quite common on many computers due to various reasons. This may result...
Write forfifteen minutes. Once you have a six word story, then work to expand your story into something longer. Then post both stories in thePro Practice Workshop. Be sure to comment on a few other writers' practices. Have fun!
Writing was so difficult and painful for me that my teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic by acting out a play, where I played all the parts. No one laughed harder than he did. ...
She is just of an age where she begins to notice and feel something for someone around her, but her virtue is stolen by another. Instead of imagining love, she imagines death, and wonders if this might be when her will finally see her. ...
As we headed for the exit, we dodged this unappealing offer: “Something everyone will love!” Lies. I begged Mike to take me to Franklin, which I’ve dreamed about for two years. It’s a little suburb of Nashville with an idyllic Main Street, beautiful homes, a strong community, and...