parity : n. 奇偶性; 平价,价值对等; 同等,平等; disparity : n.不一致 disparagement : n. 轻视, 轻蔑, 贬低 2 equivocate : vi. 说模棱两可的话, 支吾其词 Equivocate means to use ambiguous or unclear language in order to mislead or avoid committing to a particular stance or answer. When som...
8. an authoritative utterance or command: His word was law. 9. a string of bits or bytes of fixed length treated as a unit for storage and processing by a computer. 10. (cap.) Also called the Word, the Word′ of God′. a. the Scriptures; the Bible. b. the Logos. c. the...
parity : n.相等, 势均力敌, 等值 disparity : n.不一致 disparagement : n. 轻视, 轻蔑, 贬低 #2. equivocate : vi. 说模棱两可的话, 支吾其词 aequus-(equ-) : equal equity : n.公平, 公正 equitable : adj.公平的, 公正的 inequity : n.不公平, 不公正(in- + equ公平) iniquitous : adj...
parity: equally, as in amount, status, or character PARA: next to, besideparagon: a model of excellenceparody: to imitate for purpose of satire PAU/PO/POV/PU: few, little, poorpaucity: smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantinesspauper: a person without any personal means of supportpuerile:...
attached to adjectives dis- negative prefix con- com- together,with aequus-(equ-) equal vox,vocis voice -ate verb suffix -ion noun suffix -ous adjective suffix ambi- both par n.同等, 等位,常态, 票面价值, [体]标准杆数 parity n.相等, 势均力敌, 等值 disparity n.不一致 disparagement n....
Government, Lawvisa. French, past participle ofviserto inspect, check; seevisa 'vice' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): In Lists:Woodworking tools,more... Synonyms:corruption,depravity,wickedness,evil,iniquity,more... ...
Interest Rate Parity(IRP)利率平价理论 interest rate risk利率风险 interest rate swap利率互换 interest rate tree利率树 Internal Rate of Return(IRR)内部收益率 International Financial Reporting Standard(IFRS)国际财务报告准则 inventory method of depreciation盘存折旧法 inverted yield curve反向收益率曲线 Investment...
in bonds:a bound prisoner. made fast as if by a band or bond. secured within a cover, as a book:a bound book. Law under an obligation:[usually: be + ~]Even the police are bound by laws.[~ + to + verb]I felt bound to tell you what they say about you. certain; sure:[be ...
6。The United States has had the biggest economy in the world for more than a century,butmost projections show that China will surpass it in about 15 years,as measured by purchasingpower parity。 美国作为全世界最大的经济体已经超过一个世纪了,然而大多数的预测都显示:如果用购买力比率来估计,中国...
Likewise, when the symbol 'A' is shown immediately after 'M', the strength of expectation for the corresponding 'a' node to be activated will be a direct function of the cumulative frequency of all stored words beginning with 'MA'. Perception of typicality in the lexicon: wordlikeness, lexi...