cocksureadj(arrogant, overly confident)SCSimplified Chinese自负的zì fù de TCTraditional Chinese自負的 SCSimplified Chinese自以为是的zì fù de ,zì yǐ wéi shì de The cocksure young man challenged Brian to an arm-wrestling match. overconfidentadj(too self-assured)SCSimplified Chinese自负的zì fù...
Grammarly for Microsoft Word Grammarly for Microsoft Word от Grammarly Word 4.7(11176оценки) ЦенообразуванеМожедаенеобходимадопълнителнапокупка ОбщпрегледОценкиирецензииПодробнидан...
What makes a person brave? Courage is not the absence of fear. Courageous people do feel fear, but theyare able to manage and overcome their fearso that it does not stop them taking action. They often use the fear to ensure that they are not overly confident and that they take the appr...
主要翻译 英语中文 cocksureadj(arrogant, overly confident)SCSimplified Chinese自负的zì fù de TCTraditional Chinese自負的 SCSimplified Chinese自以为是的zì fù de ,zì yǐ wéi shì de The cocksure young man challenged Brian to an arm-wrestling match. ...
calm,collected,composed,coolall carry a meaning of "free from being overly excited.''calmimplies staying steady in the midst of disturbance all around:He remained calm throughout the crisis.collectedimplies having complete command of one's thoughts, feelings, and behavior, usually as a result of...
But now Price Junior, seeming no longer so confident, says that the whole situation has been “taxing” on him causing him to not want to be active on Social Media. Then on 02/11/21Christian Post reportedthat Kenneth Copelandposted on Feb 10th, via Face book, saying… ...
assertive, confident, pushy PositiveNegativeNeutral Avoiding Slang Slangdescribes informal words that are considered nonstandard English. Slang often changes with passing fads and may be used by or familiar to only a specific group of people. Most people use slang when they speak and in personal co...
Crucially, this is because these crises “are often tied to failure in organizational culture or procedures—the same failure that allows them to happen while also making them hard to see or track.”Bury sexual harassment claims, for example, and it will eventually turn into a crisis. (And,...
Code for ACL 2018 paper "Double Embeddings and CNN-based Sequence Labeling for Aspect Extraction" - DE-CNN/data/prep_data/word_idx.json at master · howardhsu/DE-CNN
I can tell from his voice that he’s about ten feet behind me, and I can hear an overly confident swagger in his steps. He’s tall because he takes one step for every two of mine. He will catch up to me in no time. I slide my phone into the wrist wallet I wear when I work...