If you're looking for something outside the norm, 如果你想做一点平常不做的事情 I have invented a new chess variant 我发明了一种国际象棋新玩法 where the bishops can also move like knights. 主教们也可以像骑士们那样移动What do you call that, Bishops Be Crazy? 这要怎么叫主教门夹头吗 First...
Fresh Dirt From the Graveis another Charco Press title, this time from Bolivia. It is a collection of six stories that unsettle the reader, navigating paths outside the norm, revealing aspects of characters, of circumstances and inclinations that pierce like a wound, while evoking expressions of...
Fresh Dirt From the Graveis another Charco Press title, this time from Bolivia. It is a collection of six stories that unsettle the reader, navigating paths outside the norm, revealing aspects of characters, of circumstances and inclinations that pierce like a wound, while evoking expressions of...
playing every year for three decades, as well as the Cate Invitational and California state tournaments. His favorite quote was “I’m not consistent enough to be bad all the time.” Three squash pals—Alan Fox, Barry Seymour
View Tab and check the box for Navigation Pane. Click on a heading within the Navigation Pane to move to that section in the document. Click on a different heading in the document map to move to another section within the document. To...
conventionn(norm)SCSimplified Chinese惯例guàn lì TCTraditional Chinese慣例 The convention in this area is to marry young. 该地区的惯例是早婚。 conventionn(tradition)SCSimplified Chinese习俗xí sú According to convention, ham and black-eyed peas are eaten in the American south on New Year's Day...
(that's a football team for all you folk outside the US, and I mean American football with the huge shoulder pads and thousands of coaches) This shouldn't bother US readers (since the tone hasn't changed) but gives non-US readers the needed context. For more formal work take the time...
norm:His dissertation was below the mark. distinction or importance; repute; note:a man of mark. a distinctive trait or characteristic:the usual marks of a gentleman. Military(usually cap.) [U.S. Mil.]a designation for an item of military equipment in production, used in combination with ...
The clues do not always match the answer but it makes me think outside the norm. Thank goodness for the cheats! more Hpdenham , 01/04/2012 Fun yet frustrating This game can be hard to put down, yet at the end you're not told if you make mistakes. Maybe during the game a ...
outside –Do not use of. He stood outside of the agent’s office. Edited: He stood outside the agent’s office. over –For numbers use more than. Use over as a preposition of location. overall –The adjective and adverb are one word. Overall, they succeeded. The overall effect was ...