Repetition priming of masked word identification is reduced when initial exposure to target words is in a text rather than in a word list. We demonstrate that there is nothing special about the text context that reduces priming. In Experiment 1, target words read in normal text or in rapid ...
Word.Paragraph = context.document.body.insertParagraph("Out-of-Pocket Expenses / Invoice Procedures", "End"); paragraph8.styleBuiltIn = "Heading2"; const paragraph9 : Word.Paragraph= context.document.body.insertParagraph("Client will be invoiced monthly for the consulting services and T&L expenses...
wdDialogEditAutoText Name、 CoNtext、 InsertAs、 Insert、 Add、 Define、 InsertAsText、 Delete、 CompleteAT wdDialogEditCreatePublisher (如需這個常數的詳細資訊,請參閱隨 Microsoft Office Macintosh Edition 提供的語言參照 [說明]) wdDialogEditFind Find、 Replace、 Direction、 MatchCase、 WholeWord、 Pa...
Returns a FontNames object that includes the names of all the available landscape fonts. (Inherited from _Application) Language Returns an MsoLanguageID constant that represents the language selected for the Microsoft Word user interface. (Inherited from _Application) Languages Returns a Languages...
word for word word gets around word has it (that) word hole word is good word of advice word of honor word of mouse word of mouth word of mouth, by word on the street word on the wire word salad word spoken is past recalling ...
Instead, users will be able to trigger recognition and view custom actions associated with text by selecting the text and clicking the Additional actions on the context menu. Once the user has moved the IP outside the current paragraph, the text tagging will be cleared for that paragraph. ...
const lastParagraph = context.document.body.paragraphs.getLast(); = "MyCustomStyle"; Save all your changes to the project.Change the font of textOpen the file ./src/taskpane/taskpane.html. Locate the element for the apply-custom-style button, and add the following ma...
Gets a value that indicates whether the document has an attached Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) project. HostContext HTMLDivisions Gets an HTMLDivisions object that represents an HTML division in a Web document. Hyperlinks Gets a Hyperlinks collection that represents all the hyperli...
Quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase in your document by clickingHOME>Find(or type Ctrl+F). Results appear next to your document so you can see the term in context. Clicking on a search result jumps you to that occurrence. ClickReplace(o...
Show a list of comments with JAWS. Ctrl+Shift+Apostrophe (‘) Read the next comment. Alt+R, N Read the previous comment. Alt+R, V Open the Comments pane. Alt+R, P, 1, L or Alt+Z, C Open the context menu to access comment related items wh...