24、 mach ine is too big for us to carry. (adva ntage)59. I ought to read the in struct ions before Ithis robot sweeper. (operati on)60. Because of the traffic jams, I missed theperforma nee. (begi n)61. It is amaz ing that the young kid is able to recite the long passage...
Much of the evidence for the parallel letter recognition model comes from the eye movement literature. A great deal has been learned about how we read with the advent of fast eye trackers and computers. We now have the ability to make changes to text in real time while people read, which...
Like Read Aloud, Microsoft Word also comes with aSpeak featurethat can be used in case the Read Aloud feature is not working (for the time being or as an alternative to it). Though the Speak feature is not as advanced as the Read Aloud feature, it is helpful enough to rea...
Documents created using your custom template still have access to the code in the default Normal template. In fact, you can attach a document to more than one custom template in addition to Normal if you so desire. Templates and Your Code You are not limited to templates as containers for ...
being, love is known to be the natural impulse of our heart (not Hollywood love). Not the heart of our body but the heart of our being. No one can ever take it away, we only lose our capacity to be it and extend it. And ‘in truth’, joy is known to be our natural way of...
[小片段填空] We have also found that a team doing its own self assessment, rather than being assessed by those outside the team, is highly effective. 我们还发现进行自我评估的,而不是接受团队外的人评估的团队是十分高效的. eq \a\vs4\al(知识要点2) in other words换句话说;也就是说(教材...
create a relationship between the package and document.xml by calling the CreateRelationship method of the Package object. This is easy as long as you know the correct string value for the relationship type and you can come up with a unique name (such as rId1) for the relationship being ...
B. The mans wife is up for the n ext promoti on. C. The mans wife was nt promoted. D. The mans wife promoted some one with more experie nee. 3. A. To gain access to the pers ons money. (t B. To make up fake IDs. C. To use ano ther pers ons ide ntity. D. To get ...
You may not have heard the word perquisite before, but I'll bet you're familiar with the noun perk, as in the phrase “a job with good perks,” meaning a job with good benefits and privileges. Just as the word bennies has today become the popular, informal substitute for benefits, the...