target_para=findTargetPara(crossRefName, direction, rngParagraph)Else'以20段为周期,向上遍历,直到行首Dimpara_stepAsIntegerpara_step=20DoWhilecurrentParaNum >para_step currentParaNum= currentParaNum -para_step rngParagraph.SetRange Start:=rngParagraph.End, _End:=ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(currentParaNum)...
第一课时 For_Next 循环学问目标:把握语句的格式, 功能以及执行过程; 能写出简洁循 环程序的运行结果;能依据题意将编写简洁的循环程序;才能目标:培育同学分析问题,解决问题的才能;情感目标:激发同学的学习热忱和创作热忱, 在创作过程中逐教学目标渐培育同学学习的积极性;在合作学习中, 学会沟通与协作, 提高同学的...
' For Each tb In rng.Tables ' tb.Delete ' Next tb '删除原有内容(rng设定除标题外的所有内容) rng.SetRange Start:=rng.Paragraphs(1).Range.End, End:=rng.Paragraphs(rng.Paragraphs.Count).Range.End rng.Select rng.Delete ' For n = rng.Paragraphs.Count To 2 Step -1 ' ' rng.Paragraphs(...
(0)EndIfForj=Val(brr(1))ToVal(brr(0))Step-1Setpg=Selection.GoTo(wdGoToPage,wdGoToAbsolute,j)Withpg.Select.SetRangepg.Start,pg.Bookmarks("\page").End.Deletek=k+1EndWithNextNextApplication.ScreenUpdating=TrueSetpg=NothingMsgBoxFormat(k,"完成 共删除了0页")ExitSuberr1:MsgBoxErr.Description...
This code adds an event handler for the insert-paragraph button. The insertParagraph function is wrapped in a call to tryCatch (both functions will be added in the next step). This allows any errors generated by the Office JavaScript API layer to be handled separately from your service code...
323601How to obtain Office for Mac software updates If the issue continues to occur, go to the next step. Step 3: Check the document name If the document name contains symbols, such as the percent character, the file does not open when you double-...
This code adds an event handler for the insert-paragraph button. The insertParagraph function is wrapped in a call to tryCatch (both functions will be added in the next step). This allows any errors generated by the Office JavaScript API layer to be handled separately from your service code...
Step 2:In the Save As section, choose where to establish your new folder. You may need to select On My Mac or Online Locations and navigate to the desired location for your new folder. Step 3: Within the opened Save As dialog box, expand the options by clicking on the arrow next to...