In this case, taking advantage of a person’s inability to resist in order to perform sexual acts on that person is considered punishable. The potential use of the safeword is considered to be sufficient possibility for resistance, since this would lead to the cessation of the act, and so ...
Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteanessaythatbeginswiththesentence"Nowadaysmoreandmorepeopletakedelightinofferinghelptotheneedy."Youcanmakecomments,citeexamples,oruseyourPersonalexperiencestodev 0 0 Topic1Outline:PersonalDigitalCommunicationsTechnology Technologyorsoftwareapplication#1: Description...
-Microsoft has sat back and made useless add ons that make it very hard to even write a standard document for submission to a journal, - even an on line repository efficiently. Microsoft has raked in the money like ransom to long time needy users, and yet is so lazy, and for so much...
Definition: Merriam-Webster defines “promise” as “a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified” or “a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act.” Synony...
Needsynonyms for benefactor? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts A person who gives money to a charity or another form of organization A person who protects someone or something A person who rescues someone or something ...
clingyadjfigurative(person: needy, dependent)(人)SCSimplified Chinese依赖他人的,感情上依附别人的,粘人的yī lài tā rén de ,gǎn qíng shàng yī fù bié rén de ,nián rén de Tracey didn't want to be friends with Danielle because she was too clinging. ...
Generousstresses the warm and sympathetic nature of the giver:a generous gift; generous in praise of the work of others.Charitableplaces stress on both the goodness and kindness of the giver and the indigence or need of the receiver:charitable assistance to the needy; a charitable person, always...
If something is done or provided gratis,it does not have to be paid for. How do you use gratis in a sentence? Gratis in a Sentence ? The homeless shelter provides food gratis for needy individuals. Since I'm on a tight budget, I prefer to buy blouses that come with extra buttons gra...
We’re just a 4 bunch of needy people, after all, trying to do our best, looking for a place to fit in where we can be acknowledged, and loved. Maybe that’s a good place to start with each other. So, anyway, do me a favor today and go have a good laugh with a ...
As a noun, the word 'love' refers to a passionate desire, a feeling of affection or attachment, or a beloved person, or an act or experience involving...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer ...