Word Count Tool is a site that, well, gives you the word count for your text. But wait! If you think that’s all there is to it, then we’ve got a treat for you. Despite the name of the site, Word Count Tool isn’t just your typical online word counter. It has some cool fe...
This free, online Word Finder Tool is really easy to use, simply enter up to 12 letters and wildcards, click the Solve button and all possible words will be found. Use ? for blank tiles. Scrabble Solver includes advanced search features including "Begins With", "Ends With" and "Contains...
We’re going to show you how to draw on Word documents using two tools: the freehand tool and the shapes tool. Drawings in Word The Shapes tool lets you create illustrations using a variety of preset shapes or its line tool. It’s best suited for those using a keyboard and mouse, as...
File Format SDKs for .NET, Java, PHP, JavaScript, SharePoint, Android, Reporting Services and JasperReports for web, desktop, and mobile platforms.
Open the PDF to Word Converter. Upload or drag and drop your PDF document. Choose whether you need to use OCR (for scans). Wait for the software to finish processing the file. Click the download button to save your Word file.Smallpdf’s PDF2WORD tool in action!Open...
3.Timeline Flow Chart A timelineflow chart template wordis a handy tool to have on hand when you need to create a quick and easy flowchart. This type of template can be used in a variety of different ways and is very versatile.
Our Word Finder is more of a Scrabble helping or studying tool than acheat. We give you all the tools you need to find a word with "these" letters to play and then learn from it. Every time you learn new words you become just a bit better in Scrabble than when you started. ...
ExcelAttachedToolbarsPart ExtendedChartPart ExtendedFilePropertiesPart ExtendedPart ExternalRelationship ExternalWorkbookPart FlatOpcExtensions FontPart FontPartType FontTablePart FooterPart FootnotesPart GlossaryDocumentPart HandoutMasterPart HeaderPart HyperlinkRelationship IdPartPair IFixedContentTypePart ImagePart ...
Check your text for grammar errors. Go beyond just spell check your punctuation, usage, and more. A Free Way to Check Your Grammar Just about everyone is familiar with spell-check; the tool has been around for a long time. Ways to Perfect your grammar, however, are far newer. From punc...
hand tooln(handheld instrument)SCSimplified Chinese手工工具shǒu gōng gōng jù SCSimplified Chinese手持工具shǒu gōng gōng jù,shǒu chí gōng jù The man selected the appropriate hand tool for the DIY task. 从词典的另一端匹配条目