Here the poor man could forbear no longer, but raised her up, made her kneel by him, and he prayed to God aloud to instruct her in the knowledge of Himself, by His Spirit; and that by some good providence, if possible, she might, some time or other, come to have a Bible, that ...
Psychosis: 精神病, psyche (Greek, spirit, soul or mind; 这里一说为psykhe 或psykhe-); -osis, disease Psychotic: n. 精神病患者 Psychiatrist: n. 精神病医生, psyche, spirit; iatreia, medical healing; -ist, specialist; “spirit-healing-specialist” Psychiatry: n. 精神病学 最后本章提到了: Pe...
the belief that all reality is spiritual. Philosophy[Metaphys.]any of various doctrines maintaining that the ultimate reality is spirit or mind. spiritual quality or tendency. insistence on the spiritual side of things, as in philosophy or religion. ...
There are actually two words in this verse that deal with drunkenness. The first isdissipation. The Greek word literally meanstossing-head. It was the common term used for a hangover. We associate this term with drinking, but Jesus wasn’t limiting it to the use of alcohol. Whenever we le...
Sow to your own Spirit Sow your field of spikes, that your foes may reap a sharp rebuke. sow your wild oats The dog and the sow to plate cells = to sow cells?? (Scientific context) to sow the seed of a habit and help its growth ...
20 But you, beloved, wbuilding yourselves up in your most holy faith and xpraying in the Holy Spirit, 21 ykeep yourselves in […] 2 Timothy 3:14–17 14 But as for you, zcontinue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom1 you learned it 15 and how a...
I am just beginning to appreciate how the Holy Spirit is standing insolidaritywith us, specifically bygroaning. The “groan” roots are all there in Greek. (“Sighs too deep for words” in the NRSV is beautiful, but obscures the “groan” language.) But I missed the connections until rea...
It is good to remember times and places where the LORD did great works for us (as Jacob remembered Bethel) and has met us in wonderful ways. As we remember them, God reminds us He is still the same God who met our needs then and wants to meet our needs now. ...
Coping With the Gods: Wayward Readings in Greek Theology The aim of this paper is to give guidelines for preaching on the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, concentrating on the book of Proverbs. As background for the guidelines, wisdom and wisdom literature are defined and attention is ...
This problem is exactly what confronted the Angel Gabriel in the event we know as the Annunciation. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, St. Luke (who penned his Gospel in Greek) documented the Angel Gabriel's words to Mary for posterity. It is a remarkable thing to focus on how St...