the word is going round that→ se dice que ..., corre la voz de que ...word has it that ..., the word is that→ se dice que leave word (with/for sb) that→ dejar recado (con/para algn) de que ..., dejar dicho (con/para algn) que ......
Against God‘s Word:Government, Religion and the Crisis of Authority in Early Reformation Norwich. The Sixteenth Century Journal . 1994Muriel C. McClendon : ' "Against God' s Word" : Govern- ment, Religion and the Crisis of Authority in Early Reforma- tion Norwich' [ J ]. in The ...
I got so tired of the tormenting feeling, i finally had a “showdown” with it and got the victory by using the Word of God against its lies and standing my ground, not budging for a moment. I said, IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I CAST YOU OUT. (As Jesus told us, Believers shall ...
Ephesians 6:12-13 For we wrestle not againstflesh and blood,but against principalities,against powers,against the rulers ofthe darkness of this world,against spiritual wickednessin high places.Wherefore take unto youthe whole armour of God,that ye may be able towithstand in the evil day,and ...
2) Why did Jacob steal away? God already told Jacob to go and had promised him safe passage. Why not have a nice big going away party and try to part on decent terms? 21So he fled with all that he had; starting out he crossed the Euphrates, and set his face toward the hill coun...
We can’t forget that when things start disrupting our plans and God’s calling on our life. Ephesians 6:11 reminds us, “Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil” (NLT). God’s plan for you is to wear His armor ...
Esau sold his birthright and was only sorry for losing it, not for the sin of doing so. As Luther commented that Esau was contrite because of punishment not because of the sin against God. God could wrestle with Jacob because Jacob knew his sin…Esau was on the sidelines waiting his due...
Regarding the Scriptures, and seeing Jesus’ prayer, I would have to conclude that itcanplay a part. Let us learn from our Lord and say, “For he that is not against us is for us.” Let us work to build up God’s kingdom together. We are all fighting in the same war. Let’s ...
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go"Joshua 1:8-9 "Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee."Psalm 119:11 “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father ...
God, who is Gawd, who is Gad God’s glory – a practical application God’s war on terror… the 200 million man army Gog’s Return Going Numb Gold and Silver Gold and Silver In the Streets Good and Bad Covenants for Israel Good Figs / Bad Figs Good Samaritans – Open Your Homes Goo...