B While " they" may seem small,this gender-neutral( 性别中立 的)word is clearly making its mark on culture. On Tucsday, Merriam-Webster announced " they" was the 2019 Word of the Year. "Our Word of the Year'they'reflects a surprising fact," the dictionary publisher wrote." Even a ...
The new Swedish gender-neutral (性别中立的) word "hen" was introduced at two Stockholm nurseries in 2012. It is used for describing either male or female, or someone not wanting to be described with those terms. Today "hen" is frequently used by Swedish children and adults alike. Now othe...
It might come to you as a surprise but gender-neutral pronouns are in circulation. These include ey, ve, and te. However, these are yet to be recognized in the academic community. It’s unlikely that the wider public has caught on to them either. So, there are two steps to take: on...
'Latinx' is a gender-neutral word for people of Latin American descent. Latinxis used generally as a gender-neutral term for Latin Americans, but it has been especially embraced by members ofLatinLGBTQcommunities as a word to identify themselves as people of Latin descent possessing a gender id...
I do know that the sex-bias of early Sci Fi publishing is disputed, and there were plenty of writers who didn’t hide their sex under gender-neutral names, but it was and remains my perception that it was much more difficult for women writers to be taken seriously, particularly if they...
B While“they" may seem small, this gender-neutral(性别中立的)word is clearly making its mark on culture. On Tuesday, Merriam-Webster announced "they" was the 2019 Word of the Year."Our Word of the Year‘they' reflects a surprising fact," the dictionary publisher wrote. “Even a basic...
The new Swedish gender-neutral (性别中立的) word "hen" was introduced at two Stockholm nurseries in 2012. It is used for describing either male or female, or someone not wanting to be described with those terms. Today "hen" is frequently used by Swedish children and adults alike. Now ...
(anchorman; chairman; spokesman) has declined a great deal in recent years. Only if the reference is to a specific male person are such compounds still widely used:Roy Johnston, Channel 83 news anchorman.Sometimes the sex-neutral-personis substituted for -manwhen the sex of the individual ...
WdSalutationGender Attributes GuidAttribute Fields wdGenderFemale0 Female gender. wdGenderMale1 Male gender. wdGenderNeutral2 Neutral gender. wdGenderUnknown3 Unknown gender. 產品版本 Word primary interop assemblyLatest 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎?
在这些条目还发现'gender': 在英文解释里: agender - ambisextrous - bottom surgery - by themselves - enby - femicide - feminine - gender bender - gender equality - gender equity - gender identity - gender neutral - gender nonconforming - gender nonconformity - gender reassignment - gender-bas...