1.A favorable comment:She put in a good word for me. 2.Favorable news. have a word with To have a brief conversation with (someone); speak to. have no words for To be unable to describe or talk about. in a word In short; in summary:In a word, the situation is serious. ...
It was snowing hard. Gus Kiebel, a county wildlife officer, was driving home from work when he41the pair in the flash of his headlights. The father-to-be scanned the roadside so that his struggling42might rest safely...
the value ofownerIdis set to the value found in the appropriate part of the URI. For example, when a request comes in for/owners/fred, the value ofownerIdisfred.
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Now that you know a multitude of ways to have fun with English, keep these terms in your back pocket withour handy word list. You can take advantage of flashcards, spelling quizzes, and more. Then, put on your party hat and have some fun with ourquiz on all these types of word pl...
nodejs爬虫,爬取博客园博文,关键词提取,词云. Contribute to ZhihaoJian/bokeyuan_spider development by creating an account on GitHub.
I thought I was brave ‘enough’ landing in LA knowing nobody. Not nearly. You should see my face when our writings got read at the first group gathering. I felt stark naked. I could not breathe. I must be dying. I didn’t. My writing even got a few laughs. For the next three...
● Visitors are allowed to take photos and videos for personal use, except in the exhibitions that are labeled as the “special exhibition galleries”. Flash photography is not allowed. ● Selfie (自拍) sticks are not permitted....
9.forwardadv.向前;前进adj.向前的;前进的 10.flashn.光;信号vi.vt.(使)闪耀;发出(信号) 11.goaln.目标;球门;射门 12.partnern.同伴;配偶;合伙人 13.companyn.公司;陪伴 14.stylen.方式;作风 15.personalityn.性格;个性 拓展词汇会变 1.registrationn.登记;注册;挂号→registervt.vi.登记;注册 ...