Redundant has also a generalized sense of "excessive'' or "no longer needed'':the dismissal of redundant employees.In describing language, it most often refers to overelaboration through the use of expressions that repeat the sense of other expressions in a passage:a redundant text crammed with...
Dan is too talkative. This food is too salty. 丹的话太多了。// 这顿饭太咸了。 复合形式: 英语中文 immoderationn(lack of restraint, excessiveness)SCSimplified Chinese无节制,过度,过分wú jié zhì,guò dù ,guò fèn TCTraditional Chinese過度,過分 ...
I confess, I’m a bit of a prattle basket myself. Throughout school, I got warning notes on my report cards for excessive talking during class. And my eleventh grade English teacherdubbed me “Babbles” (Babs for short) and assigned meloquiwhen we studied Latin roots. Can you share a ...
standing for hours, with the weight of the world—and your body, your soul, your heavy emotions—held atop scantly more than a match stick, four inches high and an eighth of an inch around
:excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or wordiness. What is empty speech? fluent speech that lacks information or meaningful content. What is a Paragrammatic error? paragrammatic errors were classified as thosenot resulting from an overall reduction or omission of function words/morphemes or ...
characterized by excessive haste; (n.) moisture; the product of an action or process vacillate to waver; to sway indecisively sojourning staying temporarily congruent in agreement confiscatory seizing property consummate (adj.) complete or perfect in the highest degree; (v.) to bring to a ...
verbatim: exactly as stated; word-for-wordverbiage: excessive use of words; diction VERD: greenverdant: green with vegetation; inexperiencedverdure: fresh, rich vegetation VI: lifeconvivial: sociableviable: capable of livingvivacity: the quality of being lively, animated, spirited VIL: base, mean...
CEFR共15696个条目,一个基词下不同词性不同义项相关短语和短语动词都属于一个条目,先去除短语和短语动词条目,再去除不同词性不同义项但相同单词的重复条目,仅仅剩余6655个基词,CEFR的最高水平C2单词数量也就6655个。 a a.m. abandon abandoned ability ...
for 3 fox 3 fry 3 fun 3 fur 3 gap 3 gas 3 gay 3 get 3 god 3 gum 3 gun 3 guy 3 gym 3 ham 3 hat 3 her 3 hey 3 him 3 hip 3 his 3 hit 3 hop 3 hot 3 how 3 hug 3 hum 3 hut 3 ice 3 icy 3 ill 3 ink 3 its 3 ...
drink heavilyvi + adv(consume excessive alcohol)SCSimplified Chinese痛饮,豪饮tòng yǐn ,háo yǐn SCSimplified Chinese喝的太多,喝酒过量hē de tài duō,hē jiǔ guò liàng Arthur started drinking heavily after he lost his job. drink like a fishv exprfigurative(be an alcoholic)SCSimplified Chi...