(Thanks to Kevin Thomas and Alexandre Enkerli for the topic suggestion.) (4:34) Language that limits: Parental code (8:24) The created sub-languages of childhood (9:44) Pig Latin (10:33) Javanais (11:44) Verlan (12:16) Music bumper from "Telepop" by The Jerrys (13:26) Codes...
The strongest connections between Indo-European and Modern English for this word seem to be via Old English and Germanic so it’s thought that this word was already in use in the British Isles before French or Latin brought their versions from the same root. The oldest example we have of t...
The speech police have not yet begun to investigate the sinistrally prejudicial words in English. Sinister began as the Latin word for "left" or "left-handed", then expanded to mean "presaging evil". A "left-handed compliment" is one with a hidden insult. Finally, there is the French ...
Pig Latin Pig Latinis a form of language, usually used by children, in which the first consonant or consonant sound is placed at the end of a word followed by the soundā(written as “ay”). Example:Ancay ouyay eakspay igpay atinlay?(“Can you speak pig Latin?”) Palindromes Apalin...
The children of Noah faced a significant decision. They lived in a world where everyone blatantly disregarded God. Wickedness was the norm. No one would have condemned Noah’s sons for living evil lives like the rest of society—no one except their father. In a world rampant with ungodly ...
The word "fable" originates from the Latin word which creates a practical lesson for the reader. In the characters who can speak In this way, somehow, it of- fers. Look at Aesop's fable The Wolf and the Lamb. Asaid to the lamb you insulted me last year. The lamb replied, you ...
a value of the argument of a function for which the function takes the value zero. Grammar, Linguistics a morpheme that underlies an inflectional or derivational paradigm, as dance, the root in danced, dancer, or ten-, the root of Latin tendere "to stretch.'' such a form reconstructed ...
a part of a computer program, such as a help facility, that can run in the background behind the current task or application, and which will only begin to work when certain conditions are met or when it is specifically invoked Etymology: 15thCentury: from Latindaemōnevil spirit, spirit, ...
Če želite vstaviti nelo lokalizirano, psevdo-latinično vzorčno besedilo v Word, vnesite =lorem() v dokument, v katerem želite prikazati besedilo, in nato pritisnitetipko ENTER. Vzorčno besedilo, ki je vstavljeno, je podobno spodnjemu besedilu: ...
and Latin didn't have a W—as you can think of the old inscriptions where U's would appear as V's for example—so there was a confusion, the V's and the U's, and even in early English dictionaries, were just thrown together. There was no separation of those letters, and the W...