The poetry of adolescents sometimes has an egotistical cast. 青少年诗歌有时带着非常自我的色彩。 bentn(inclination)SCSimplified Chinese爱好ài hào TCTraditional Chinese愛好 SCSimplified Chinese倾向ài hào ,qīng xiàng TCTraditional Chinese傾向
egotistical, egotistic, egoisticadj(person: self-obsessed)(人)SCSimplified Chinese自私的zì sī de SCSimplified Chinese以自我为中心的zì sī de ,yǐ zì wǒ wéi zhōng xīn de Jim is so egotistical; he cares more about appearing witty than about other people's feelings. ...
Using neutral adjectives to describe people is much safer. extroverted - someone who is very outgoing. Example sentence: Dave is very extroverted. He's always the life and soul of the party! egotistical - (negative) used for describing someone who acts as if they are more important than othe...
A humble person is not ego-driven or arrogant. They are non-egotistical, usually have good self-esteem, and are comfortable in their skin. 9. Precious A precious person is someone dear and beloved. 10. Heroic Someone noble, daring, brave, and demonstrates the traits of a hero. ...
14.Some people think I’m selfish and egotistical 15.I am not a very methodical person. 16.I rarely feel lonely or blue. 17.I really enjoy talking to people. 18.I believe letting students hear controversial speakers can only confuse and mislead them. 19.I would rather cooperate with other...
egotistical [,i:ɡə'tistik, ,eɡ-,-kəl] adj.任性的;自我本位的;傲慢自尊的 assertive [ə'sə:tiv] adj.肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的 精力充沛。大胆前卫而又无拘无束。有自信并热情的。充满乐趣。喜爱挑战。级端。没耐心。有时较自私。性子暴躁。(轻易发怒。)活泼、热情、睿智。外向的人。
San who provide Werner with some liquid which is acquired using fundamental skills; skills Werner, an egotistical American, knows nothing of. However, Werner views himself as superior to these diminutive people. Unable to communicate effectively, Werner is brought to the camp and cared for by N!
egotisticaladjective(a.) Addicted to, or manifesting, egotism. egyptologicaladjective(a.) Of, pertaining to, or devoted to, Egyptology. eiselnoun(n.) Vinegar; verjuice. elasticaladjective(a.) Elastic. elaylnoun(n.) Olefiant gas or ethylene; -- so called by Berzelius from its forming an ...
egotistical egotistic; excessively self-centered(egocentric); self-important; conceited egotism tendency to speak or write of oneself excessively; conceit; self-importance egregious notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking egress exit; opening for going out; act of going out; OP. ingress ...
egotistical [,i:ɡə'tistik, ,eɡ-,-kəl] adj.任性的;自我本位的;傲慢自尊的 assertive [ə'sə:tiv] adj.肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的 精力充沛。大胆前卫而又无拘无束。有自信并热情的。充满乐趣。喜爱挑战。级端。没耐心。有时较自私。性子暴躁。(轻易发怒。)活泼、热情、睿智。外向的人。