Find .Text = "I've found footer text" 'Enter the old footer text here! .Replacement.Text = "I've found footer text" 'Enter the old footer text here! .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll End With Next xFooter Next xSec xDoc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.Close If xDoc....
.Replacement.Text = "Ive found footer text" Enter the old footer text here! .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll End With Next xFooter Next xSec xDoc.ActiveWindow.ActivePane.Close If xDoc.ActiveWindow.View.SplitSpecial = wdPaneNone Then xDoc.ActiveWindow.View.Type = wdPrintView...
Please see “How to Find and Replace Text in Word for Mac.” How to Find and Replace Text Select theHometab in the ribbon. Figure 1. Home tab SelectReplacein the Editing group. Figure 2. Replace button Type the text you want to find in theFind whattext box in the Find and Replace ...
Find whole words only: This option finds matches that are whole words, not parts of words. Let’s say you want to find the word “bed” and replace it with “beds.” But you also have “bedtime” throughout your document. By checking this box, the tool will only highlight instances ...
To find and replace text in Microsoft Word, use these steps: OpenWord. Click on theHometab. Under the “Editing” section, click theReplacebutton. Microsoft Word Replace option Quick tip:You can also use theCtrl + Hkeyboard shortcut to open Replace. Also, if you’re using the search feat...
The Replace tab lets you swap one word for another. Type the word you want to replace in the Find What box, and then type the replacement text into the Replace With box. Then, click "Replace All" to swap all instances of the original word, or click "Replace" to do this one at a...
object replaceAll = Word.WdReplace.wdReplaceAll; oWord.Selection.Find.ClearFormatting(); oWord.Selection.Find.Text = "[[ReportCode]]"; oWord.Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting(); oWord.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text = "WT-121221-21212"; ...
Type the word or phrase you want to find in the Find What field. Type the new text in the Replace With field. Select Replace to go through the replacements one by one or Replace All to update the entire text at once. If you’d like to fine-tune your text replacement settings, select...
doc.getRange().replace("sad", "[replaced]", new FindReplaceOptions(FindReplaceDirection.FORWARD)); // Save the Word document"Find-And-Replace-Text.docx"); 输入Word文档 以下是找到并替换单词“ sad”后的输出。 ②使用Java查找和替换DOC / DOCX中的相似单词 ...
There are a few options for performing find and replace text in Word documents programmatically. If you want to use Word Automation (which requires having MS Word installed), you can do the find and replace action with an API provided by Word Interop, as demonstratedhere. ...