Download and print from our collection of worksheets for the -ine word family. Great for students in grades Kindergarten through second grade.
1. My family and I take a photo together under the big tree in our village. 我和家人在我们村子里的大树下一起拍一张照片。 2. I’d like to watch it grow with me. 我想看着它和我一起长大。 3. It’s a gre...
Phonics Games for First Grade For first-grade students who are becoming more comfortable with reading, games that involve sentence construction and more complex word forms can be beneficial. Check out First Grade Crocodile Phonics Games for a variety of games suitable for Grade 1 learners. Phonics ...
and we knew it really was time for them to go. It was hard for us to finally part with them. For the first few days, Kynan was always a bit disappointed that the cubs weren't there.
Have you already made pumpkin pie (because you can never have enough pumpkin pie, so why wait until Thanksgiving Day)? Whatever you’ve done for the past nine days, I’ve already hinted at the three “F’s” of Thanksgiving: food, family, and friends. Now let’s add a fourth. ...
【例】They spent their first summer after graduation as a couple of carefree rovers. 【近】wanderer egregious/ɪˈɡriːdʒiəs/ 【释】adj. 极坏的;极严重的 【例】an egregious error of judgment 【近】shocking 【反】marvelous ...
28、rfillforecast*faith*filmforehead*fallfinallyforeignfalse*finance*forestfamiliar*financial*forever*familyfindforgetfamousfinding*forgive*fanfineforkfancy*fingerformfantasticfinishformal*fantasy*fire28farfirm*format*farmfirstformer*farmerfishfortunately*fashion*fishermanfortyfastfist*forward*fatfitfou ...
Where we do see cracks in armor is in new-home construction, both in single-family sales and condos. Show examples and contexts arms n. [武器,兵種] weapons considered collectively; official symbols of a family The first man to be held - said to be a British arms dealer - was reportedl...
Soon,thecastlistwas___7___.Myfriendscheckedandcamebackshouting,“Amy,yougotthemainrole!”Sureenough,mynamewasatthetop.Ijuststaredatitandstartedto___8___.Iwassohappy. Aftertwomonthswewereallpreparedandreadytogoonstage.Itwasfun.Andwhenpeoplestarted___9___,thatgavemeaboostofconfidence.Itstayedwit...
7. What is on the ever-growing list mentioned in the first paragraph? A. Positive effects of doing exercises. B. Exercises suitable for the middle-aged. C. Experimental studies on diseases. D. Advantages of sporty woman over man 8. Why did the researchers ask the woman to do bicycle exe...