The state of being eaten away; corrosion; canker. noun (n.) The wearing away of the earth's surface by any natural process. The chief agent of erosion is running water; minor agents are glaciers, the wind, and waves breaking against the coast. erosive adjective (a.) That erodes or ...
Version 3.0 June 2003 LAM 03: Cast Iron Chip Corrosion Test (IP 287) LAM 03:铸铁片腐蚀试验 :铸铁片腐蚀试验(IP 287) Scope : 用使品学化险危无 。施措防预规常取采程过作操 。能性蚀腐抗的品产性溶水估评于用法方本 Apparatus / Reagents : Plastic Petri dishes Method 7-07-2011 1 ...
Average word length: 4.49964743346223 Generated at: 2001-12-15 12:22:25the: 36808to: 19385a: 18162of: 17057and: 16174i: 13677that: 11791in: 11457it: 9697you: 9189is: 8997for: 6148on: 5347was: 5138not: 4808have: 4792but: 4665or: 4659be: 4595as: 4434they: 4356with: 4217are: 3914i...
气体状态方程equationofstateofgas 动能kineticenergy 势能potentialenergy 机械能守恒conservationofmechanicalenergy 动量momentum 桁架truss 轴线axes 余子式cofactor 逻辑电路logiccircuit 触发器flip-flop 脉冲波形pulseshape 数模digitalanalogy 液压传动机构fluiddrivemechanism 机械零件mechanicalparts 淬火冷却quench 淬火hardening...
equation giant nerve emission physically respect administer athletic diameter minimal undergo swim manufacture builder integrity guardian unlock temple bullet terminal slip coupon practitioner fleet ram occupy wooden smell pole productivity liquid stir wrong stra...