Word ending词尾ship: office,state,skill,qualitymeaning:office,state,skill,qualityauthorshipn.(尤指书的)作者,作者身份;写作;著述marksmanship n.射击术showmanshipn.主持演出的技巧;演艺才能;善于表演的技能fellowshipn.伙伴关系;友谊;交情;(具有共同利益、目的或信仰的)团体,协会,联谊会;(学院或大学的)董事职位...
Ouse starts with and ends with a vowel with the starting letters o, ou, ous, and the ending characters are e, se, use, .. Definition A river in northeastern England that flows generally southeastward to join the Trent River and form the Humber School Grade Ouse is set as a kindergarten...
4.Othersuffixes,known asweak endings, donotaffect the stress of a word.Sample suffixes:-al, -ous, -ly, -er, -ed, -ist, -ing, -ism, -mentetc. Examples:Permanent,permanently, develop, development Special case:adding the endings-alor-aryto words ending in-ment. ...
Is ousel a Scrabble word? Yes,ouselis a Scrabble word! ...and is worth5points in Scrabble, and7points in Words with Friends Ousel is a valid Scrabble word. Ousel is a word starting with o ending with l. Check our list ofwords starting with o ending with l. ...
Loses is a valid Scrabble word. Loses is a word starting with l ending with s. Check our list of words starting with l ending with s. Table of Contents Definitions of loses Words that can be made with the letters in loses Anagrams of loses Words that can be created with an extra lett...
The ending - ous is a common adjective suffix ( famous, dangerous, perilous , etc.); - ity is a common noun suffix ( vanity, quality, simplicity , etc.). (Spelling caution: Note that the letter following the t - in ambidextrous is - r , but that in dexterous the next letter is...
Small clouds portending rain were often called ‘colt’s tail ‘from 1744, ‘water wagon‘ from 1815 or ‘sop‘ from 1828. An ‘ox-eye‘ from 1598 was a nautical term for clouds ‘portending a storm, particularly a violent storm, esp. off the coast of Africa'(OED) and a‘bull’s...
words ending in -sionand -tion tele-Vision,reve-Lation For a few words, native English speaker don’t always“agree”on where to put the stress.For example, some people sayteleVIsionand others sayTELvision. Another example isCONtroversyandconTROversy. 4.Stress on ante-penultimate syllable(ante-...
smear Is smear a Scrabble word? Yes,smearis a Scrabble word! ...and is worth7points in Scrabble, and8points in Words with Friends Smear is a valid Scrabble word. Smear is a word starting with s ending with r. Check our list ofwords starting with s ending with r....
1. Though in the case of simple words ending in a double consonant the derivatives usually retain the double consonant, pontific and pontifical (from pontiff) are exceptions, and when three letters of the same kind would come together, one is usually dropped, as in agreed (agree plus ed),...