運算式。ReadOnly 需要expression。 代表Document物件的變數。 範例 這則範例會儲存使用中文件 (如果它不是唯讀的話)。 VB IfActiveDocument.ReadOnly=FalseThenActiveDocument.Save 另請參閱 Document 物件 支援和意見反應 有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並提供意見反應的相關指導...
在Word 中将文档设为只读 如果不希望内容审阅者意外修改你的文档,可在发送文档供审阅前将其设为只读。 另一种方法是限制格式和编辑。 将文档设为只读意味读者只能阅读或复制文档,而不能修改文档。 如果某个审阅人员试图修改只读文件,则只能通过重命名文档或将文档保存到其他位置来保存更改。 注意:将文档设为只读不...
In the realm of critical documents, how we ensure the integrity of our document content when sharing and referencing documents is critical. However, there are many users who do not understand how to set Word documents to read-only, so that our documents can only be read and not changed. In...
Part 1: What Is the Edit to a Read-Only Word Document? Editing a read-only Word document typically involves changing its content, formatting, or other elements despite the initial restriction that the document is set to "read-only." This necessity arises from the dynamic nature of information...
Way 2: Make Word document read only from properties 1. Right-click on this Word document file, selectProperties. 2. Check the box next to"Read-only", and click onOK. When the Word document is marked as read only by this way, it can be edited by anyone, but can't be saved as the...
Learn how to make a Word document read-only to prevent editing using methods: making read-only before opening, using Restrict Editing feature or Save as option.
Opening a Word document as read-only helps prevent unintentional changes you make to the document from being saved.
Document.ReadOnlyRecommended 属性 (Word) 项目 2023/04/07 5 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 示例 另请参阅 如果无论用户何时打开文档,Microsoft Word 都显示一个消息框,提示以只读方式打开,则该属性值为 True。读/写 Boolean。语法expression。 ReadOnlyRecommended...
Step 1: Open the Word document. Step 2: SelectFile -> Infotab, and then clickProtect Document ->Mark as Final. Step 3: ClickOKwhen prompting with the alert shown as below. Then this Word 2016 document is marked as Read-Only. When it is opened, a "MARKED AS FINAL" alert message wi...
InnerObject取得Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document,表示Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.Document的基礎原生物件。 IsMasterDocument取得值,指出文件是否為主控文件。 IsSubdocument取得值,指出是否會在個別的文件視窗中開啟文件,使其當做主控文件的子文件。 ItemProvider基礎架構。