2 jar包导入结果如图:3 完成jar导入后,在程序中键入如下Java代码:import com.spire.doc.*; import com.spire.doc.documents.*; public class MultiLevelList { public static void main(String[] args) { //创建一个Document类的实例 D...
Word, then open your PDF document with the Arabic content straight into MS. Word. We found out that this conversion will mostly give a more success rate than that in Acrobat itself. We want Adobe to fix this issue, hence you may vote to have Adobe Acrobat team consider fixing this issue...
Generating wordclouds for Arabic: Command-line usage The wordcloud_cli tool can be used to generate word clouds directly from the command-line: $ wordcloud_cli --text mytext.txt --imagefile wordcloud.png If you're dealing with PDF files, then pdftotext, included by default with many Linux...
AllowOpenInDraftView AllowPixelUnits AllowReadingMode AlwaysUseClearType AnimateScreenMovements Application ApplyFarEastFontsToAscii ArabicMode ArabicNumeral AutoCreateNewDrawings AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists AutoFormatApplyFirstIndents AutoFormatApplyHeadings AutoFormatApplyLists AutoFormatApplyOtherParas AutoFormatAs...
list.setLevelNumbering(0, Word.ListNumbering.arabic); // Set bullet type for list level 5. list.setLevelBullet(4, Word.ListBullet.arrow); // Set list level for the last item in this list. paragraph.listItem.level = 4; list.load("levelTypes"); await context.sync(); }); setLevel...
Hi! I am working on putting Arabic text into an InDesign document that is currently in English. I've switched my Language preferences to English/Arabic and reinstalled the InDesign app. I'm trying to copy, cut and paste the Arabic translation from Word into the InDesign document, ...
Returns a LanguageSettings object, which contains information about the language settings in Microsoft Word. (Inherited from _Application) Left Returns or sets an Integer that represents the horizontal position of the active document (for the Application object) or the specified task or window, me...
Document DocumentClass DocumentClass Constructors Properties _CodeName ActiveTheme ActiveThemeDisplayName ActiveWindow ActiveWritingStyle[] Application AttachedTemplate AutoFormatOverride AutoHyphenation Background Bibliography Bookmarks Broadcast BuiltInDocumentProperties Characters ChartDataPointTrack ChildNode...
_Document Properties _CodeName ActiveTheme ActiveThemeDisplayName ActiveWindow ActiveWritingStyle[] Application AttachedTemplate AutoFormatOverride AutoHyphenation Background Bibliography Bookmarks Broadcast BuiltInDocumentProperties Characters ChartDataPointTrack ChildNodeSuggestions ClickAndTypeParagraphStyle CoAuthoring Code...
numberStyle: Word.ListBuiltInNumberStyle |"None"|"Arabic"|"UpperRoman"|"LowerRoman"|"UpperLetter"|"LowerLetter"|"Ordinal"|"CardinalText"|"OrdinalText"|"Kanji"|"KanjiDigit"|"AiueoHalfWidth"|"IrohaHalfWidth"|"ArabicFullWidth"|"KanjiTraditional"|"KanjiTraditional2"|"NumberInCircle"|"Aiueo"|"Ir...