Like a Kindle book Like a printed document For detailed help on converting your Microsoft Word document to a Kindle format, visit our help page on converting personal documents to a Kindle Format. By using Send to Kindle, you agree to the terms here. Other...
PC、Mac 和网页版的 Word 用户在导出选项中,可以看到全新的“Send to Kindle”选项。用户点击之后会跳出新的窗口,根据需求选择“像 Kindle 电纸书”(Like a Kindle book)或“像打印文档”(Like a printed document)。IT之家附两者的区别如下:像 Kindle 电纸书:此选项使您能够调整字体大小和页面布局,最...
Amazon also has a beneficial tool that helps you easily send your files from your PC to your Kindle from File Explorer. TheSend to Kindleapp lets you right-click a Word or PDF document on your PC and send it off to your Kindle Paperwhite or whatever type of Kindle you have. For more...
Now, if you write a document or open a document someone else wrote in Word, you now have the option to share it as an eBook to your Kindle if you happen to own one. Just go to File, choose Export, then click on "Send to Kindle." You'll be prompted to enter your Amazon log-in...
在Word中适应Kindle K4 layout的宏 Sub WordToPdfForKindle() ' ' kindle 宏 ' '该宏主要功能为:删除页眉页脚,文档改为9CM*12CM(kindle4的大小),所有文字改为13号字体,文档边缘空白0.2厘米,另存为PDF文件至D盘 ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.SeekView = wdSeekCurrentPageHeader '删除页眉...
(然后分别右击选择“导出”,把键值备份至桌面。一旦发生问题,可以通过备份来恢复注册表键值)hkey_classes_root\.docxkey_classes_root\Word.document.12hkey_current_user\software\Microsoft\Wind... kiss mayue邀请你来回答 赞 回复 (1) 怎么把Word文件放进Word里? 共2条回答 > A Santa: 插入-对象-来...
You can improve your writing skills and boost productivity with Copilot Pro in Microsoft Word. How to send Word documents to Amazon Kindle on Windows 11 May 10, 2023 Yes, you can now send and read Microsoft Word documents on your Kindle device or app, and here's how....
On the other hand, an eBook offers a much more comfortable reading experience, whether you’re on a laptop, a smartphone, or even a tablet or Kindle. Luckily, we have a comprehensive guide that shows you how you canturn a Word document into an eBook. Read on to find out more. ...
If you’re into the classics, you’ll likely know many are in the public domain. In other words, they’re free, although you’ll probably find a Kindle version for a few dollars. Instead, copy the text from the internet, paste it into a Word document, and send it to your Kindle. ...