Joining multiple RTF documents into one is pretty the same as for any other formats - just specify files you want to merge and save the resultant document. // Load the source RTF fileMergermerger=newMerger("c:\sample1.rtf"))// Add another RTF file to mergemerger.join("c:\sample2.rtf...
importorg.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel.*;;;;publicclassWordDocumentMerger{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{// 创建一个新的Word文档XWPFDocumentmergedDocument=newXWPFDocument();// 合并第一个Word文档mergeDocument(mergedDoc...
Merge multiple Word documents into one Word document About Word Format Microsoft Office Word was developed by Microsoft Corporation Word processor application. It has always been the most popular word processing program. Word provides a rich and powerful word processing function. Word format is a priv...
下载链接见下方:WordMerger.exe 7.5M ·百度网盘 主界面 工具使用非常简单,界面就两个按钮,一个“...
How to Merge Word Documents With Microsoft Word Open the first Word document—a blank one works too. Click “Insert” and then “Object,” which might be hidden under “Text.” Select “Text from file.” Choose your files, then click “Insert.”...
以下是如何使用 C# 和GroupDocs.Merger for .NET向 Word 文件添加密碼以鎖定文檔: 將庫添加到您的應用程序中。 使用以下代碼來保護文檔: /* * 使用 C# 密碼保護 Word 文檔 */stringfilePath = @"path/document.docx"; AddPasswordOptions addOptions =newAddPasswordOptions("mySECRETpassWORD");using(Merger m...
Okdo PowerPoint Merger CMD Okdo Word Merger Okdo Word Merger CMD Okdo Excel Merger Okdo Excel Merger CMD All-in-One Conversion Toolkit Okdo Document Converter PDF to All File PDF to All Converter PDF to PowerPoint Converter PDF to Word Converter PDF to Excel Converter PDF to...
WordDocumentMerger _WordDocumentMerger=newWordDocumentMerger(); _WordDocumentMerger.CopyMerge(tempDoc, arrFiles, outDoc); textBox3.Text=string.Format("合并文件成功:{0}", outDoc); 合并执行类 usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Text;usingMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Word;usingSystem.Re...