[CTRL] + F:Find and replace text within your document. [CTRL] + B:Bold selected text. [CTRL] + I: Italicize selected text. [CTRL] + U:Underline selected text. [CTRL] + A:Select all text in the document. [CTRL] + Home:Navigate to the beginning of a line or the document. [CTRL...
XDocument styleDoc =null;using(Package wdPackage = Package.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { PackageRelationship docPackageRelationship = wdPackage.GetRelationshipsByType(documentRelationshipType).FirstOrDefault();if(docPackageRelationship !=null) { Uri documentUri = PackUriHelper.Resol...
originalRange.insertText('added to the end','End'); 使用Select、Start或End的节模式选择文本范围: JavaScript someRange.select('Select'); 在当前段落中搜索一段文本并将其替换: JavaScript constranges = paragraph.search('office', {matchCase:true,ignoreSpace:true}); context.load(ranges);returncontext...
First, select a single formatted text (in our case it is a text with bold formatting). In order to select all similar bold formatted text, go to “Home” tab and click on the “Select” option under “Editing” group. Then select the option “Select All Text With Similar Formatting (N...
Options.ReplaceSelection =TrueActiveDocument.Sentences(1).SelectSelection.TypeText"Material below is confidential."Selection.TypeParagraph 下列範例會刪除Documents集合中第一個文件的最後一個段落,然後將它貼到第二個文件的開頭。 VB WithDocuments(1) .Paragraphs.Last.Range.Select.ActiveWindow.Selection.CutEndWithWi...
(T iteminsource) sb.Append(func(item)).Append(separator);returnsb.ToString(); } }classProgram{publicstaticstringParagraphText(XElement e){ XNamespace w = e.Name.Namespace;returne .Elements(w +"r") .Elements(w +"t") .StringConcatenate(element => (string)element); }staticvoidMain(...
Column Select 复制格式 Ctrl + Shift + C Copy Format 复制文本 Shift + F2 Copy Text 创建自动文本 Alt + F3 Create Auto Text 删除文档中的所有批注 拒绝 Delete All Comments In Doc 删除所有显示的批注 拒绝 Delete All Comments Shown 删除后面的单词 Ctrl + Backspace Delete Back Word 删除单词 Ctrl ...
DocID 仅供内部使用。 (继承自 _Document) DocumentInspectors 返回一个 DocumentInspectors 集合,使你能够查找隐藏的个人信息,例如作者姓名、公司名称和修订日期。 此为只读属性。 (继承自 _Document) DocumentLibraryVersions 返回一个 DocumentLibraryVersions 集合,该集合表示已启用版本控制且存储在服务器上的文...
VBA是一种通用编程语言,适用于任何内置有VBA的应用程序,因此Word VBA与Excel VBA的语法一样,只是处理...
WordDoc.Range(nStart,nEnd).Select;sContext := WordDoc.Range.Text;//输出内容 mmo1.Lines.Add('===第'+IntToStr(i)+'页内容:===');mmo1.Lines.Add(sContext);nStart := -1;nEnd := -1;end;finally wordapp.Quit;end;end;昨天没有测试好 这个应该没有问题了吧 试一下吧 ...