TablesOfContents.Add 方法 (Word) 返回一 个 TableOfContents 对象,该对象代表添加到文档中的目录。 语法 表达式.Add (Range, UseHeadingStyles, UpperHeadingLevel, LowerHeadingLevel, UseFields, TableID, RightAlignPageNumbers, IncludePageNumbers, AddedStyles, UseHyperlinks, HidePageNumbersInWeb, UseOutlineLeve...
Yes, it is possible to add subheadings to the table of contents in Word. In your document, format the subheadings using appropriate heading styles. Then update the table of contents by selecting it and clicking on the "Update Table" option or by right-clicking on the table...
1. To create a table of contents,you need toplace your cursor where you want to add the table of contents.Next, go to References and then to Table of Contents. 2. You can choose an automatic style, then the table of contents will appear in the document.If you make changes to the d...
If you are working with a large document in Microsoft Word, it may be a good idea to add a table of contents. Doing so will help you navigate the document’s contents much faster, and it’s easy to incorporate. In this tutorial, we show you how to add a table of contents in Micro...
Step 1: Firstly,add the extra section headerormodifytheexisting section header. Thenclickon theTable of Contentssomewhere to reveal theUpdate Table buttonat the top.Clickon it. In theUpdate Table of Contentswindow, choose theradiobuttoncorresponding to the optionUpdate entire tableand hit theOKbutt...
Thankfully, you don’t have to create a table of contents manually. Word has an excellent option to add a table of contents with just a single click. If you ever update the heading, you can also update the table of contents. However, with the sea of options, finding the appropriate op...
Want to add a table of contents to your Word document, one that can be easily updated if you change your doc? It's a cinch to use this helpful feature. All you have to do is format your Word document appropriately. Reply Chineta Harris says: 2019-05-07 at 12:49 am Thank you fo...
TableOfContents 物件是 TablesOfContents 成員 集合。 TablesOfContents 集合包含文件中的內容的所有資料表。註解使用TablesOfContents (Index),其中 Index 是索引編號,可以傳回單一的 TableOfContents 物件。 索引編號代表文件中的目錄位置。 下列範例會更新頁碼的作用中的文件中圖表的第一個表格中的項目。
// The newly inserted table of contents will be initially empty. // It needs to be populated by updating the fields in the document. doc->UpdateFields(); // Output file path System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"AddTOC.docx"; ...
In your Word document, place the cursor where you want to insert the table of contents. Switch to theReferencestab. ClickTable of Contents. SelectAutomatic Table 1orAutomatic Table 2from the menu. Word will create and insert the table of contents at the specified location. You can then navig...